Where is the next chapter????
It's soooo good.
I cry .. omoo
I want more
Masih gantung
Masih TBC.. huhu
I will wait. Atau GK nanti aku akan cari.
I love it
Add: aku browsing2 jg GK Nemu dooong. Kmvrt. Sabar dah sabaarrr. Dah kepalang baper ini bacanya malah harus terhenti di ch.7 yg entah lanjut atau Ndak...
Huaa nangisnya jg kejeda. Sedih mellownya wkwk
FINALLY. the next chapter here. ch.8. it's fin. it's happy ending lol.
setalah menunggu cukup lama n really curious for the hurt comfot, finally it's here. n it's a happy ending
His Little Amber