I didn't even realize how invested I was in Yeojin and Munhyeok's story until these last 5 chapters. My heart was racing so fast when they reunited! It's toxic and honestly a bit sad how dependent both of them our own one another but I can't bring myself to hate anything about it. They're devotion is commendable and I happy they can find solace and love in all of the pain and emptiness life gave them. Also both of them at 40+ years old was too fine! Love a good older gentleman story! I will say the Jeong Mu and dad were kind of disappointing villains since we never really saw them in action or do anything damaging. And I feel sad that Seojin saw what he saw both it was the karma Yeojin deserved for planning to hurt that boy anyway to get his revenge. I hope Seojin finds peace in his dad's decisions and lives happily with his mom and friends.
Dangerous Convenience Store
I really adore Joonie and Ahjussi! They were so calming and cute, I loved that even when Ahjussi is happy or sad he can't express it well but Joonie can read him like a book. I loved they just got each other, no questions no serious arguments. Even the time apart made their relationship stronger because both got to achieve what was necessary to be together. Also can I say I freaking loved that the love confession was done at the end, wasn't in the middle of sex or out of desperation but genuine happiness and it was simple and comfortable. Plus Eui Joon being the first to confess fits so perfectly with his casual and straight attitude. I could definitely read it all over again.
Night Song
I'm pretty invested now. I love the insane amount of details this manhwa has and how gorgeous it is to look at let alone read. Can't wait for season 3!
Define The Relationship
Update: I so love LylexAsh! They are such a gem to read and watch...the relationship is a good steady pace, the feelings are natural, even the "emotional" parts are handled maturely and quickly without the constant dragging of misunderstandings. Plus the last chapters def solidify my absolute desire for a man like Ash! I'm in love with both of these men! Why are Ash x Lyle so damn sexy and cute
Taming the Tiger
Loved them very much! I actually enjoyed their quiet and burning love story but I will say the story itself was a bit flat just because the "villains" really didn't villain for me. I'm not a fan of the prince showing up so late to cause mayhem when he could have been doing that for a while longer so the ending was a better pay off. I think if we had less sex scenes and more background character growth it would have touched my heart better. But still enjoyed them nonetheless!
Dear Door
Gotta read the extras but the main story was actually more sweet and satisfying to read then I thought. I truly enjoyed all the couples that were given to us...Well I'm still on the fence about SatanxMika. It's a fun story but definitely rough around the edges...
Nerd Project
I didn't know if I liked Andrew and Luke, but boy the appeal is there honey! Now I gotta wait...damn lol
Rafael X Edan