I found myself wanting a longer story for Boris and Seyun. The encapsulation of self harm, trauma, sex work, and rape is done well. I knew immediately why I loved Seyun, the idea of emotionally hating yourself before others can is a perfect mimic of victims of trauma. If I hate me first no one can hurt me more. I am not a fan of Michael walking around freely though. The man and his psycho "friend" just causally kidnapping Seyun again just to rape him and try to break him all over again really had my eye twitching. I wanted Boris to come swinging with a bat. I also loved the ending monologue to Tracy from Seyun as a thank you *chefs kiss*. Also the artist really needs to be hugged for giving a beautiful color cast representation of young black folks. It made me so excited to see them as characters as a black women myself!!
The Beast Must Die
I found myself very compelled by Kang Moo and Kirin. I am actually shocked we got such a sweet ending then it could have been, sure that last panel was the bittersweet part of it that Kang Moo is losing himself to his desire to kill but it's beautifully written that he sticks by Kirin for his own choice. He can easily just leave but the fact he leaves the door open for Kirin to go instead shows he's not trying to be the one to part from him. There's a twisted part of him that enjoys having Kirin around even if for a fleeting moment. And for Kirin to stay instead of just washing away this man that will slowly eat away at him is poetic. He reached out to this man (even if Kang Moo opened the door) and he is choosing to stay by him...just poetic
Black Mirror
I enjoyed Black Mirror and definitely found it a bit disturbing but I feel like I'm not following the mirror aspect. So is it saying that it's not just Yeon and Jun being connected but other people as well? Like there's the hidden/disturbing secret world where people have these alter forms for their darkest desires? It's cool idea but I don't know, maybe I would have liked it had it only been just these two instead of the world. In a small way takes away from their pain. Also thank you God Hyunjoo and her sister didn't come. That would've sucked. Also wanted the coach to be meaner in the end. Would have made his death more compelling but overall I enjoyed it
Boys Next Door