Unholy Night
It’s questionable….but captivating
Marionette (Cereal)
It was bloody fast. But fortunately it still felt complete, for i think if the story were to go on it will be an everlasting cycle or just freedom for mr.robo
Black Mirror
Art is elite.Yeonwoo and Jun’s facial expressions got me good,but I feel like this story could have gone further if it had more to it,I feel like it’s complete but hollow.
Super Outcast
It was satisfying and an easy read. The author deserves more cred than they said it deserved.
The Beast Must Die
Dark. I loved the vibe of the story so very much. Gosh, and the art- don't get me started.
Santa (Taeyangshin)
Rape shall I say. But gawwwwwsh the art is so darn hot, for what??? Literally busting- nuts-thru my-pants worthy
Escape into Oblivion
Well now I’m kinda iffed out that this story was bouta end when it was at chap 29 ( as I had somewhat suspected) but still loh my gosh. Imma reread this. It might be my lack of sleep, but this took some mental toll and flips on me. I love love love the love they have for each other as well as the fact that everyone involved was all a little twisted. Ngl I wanna know more abt hwon and his guardian and about the guardians in general but damn. I loved the fact that he was still alive and that he played big manipulator towards woojin. I honestly wanted to avoid this comic in fear of boredom, but it’s always where I least expect that I will find great satisfaction. This comic left me on edge in the best way. Fuck, I’m not even lying when I say I might’ve just came—this story was great. I love this type of obsession and character dialogue. The length was perfect too.
Chew and Swallow
This was painful. Such a painful read. I struggled to get into this at first but then as it progressed I grew addicted. Everyone and everything was so well written. Everyone had suffered a great deal of sin. I love this author. This story had a completely different vibe from EiO. Yohan was suffering as he deserved, and Minjae and taehwa yearned in pain for each other also. Probably one of the few stories that almost made me wanna stop reading.. everything just kept going downhill until it stopped. Author nim has a way with words I love their works. Wooshin is a good person love his character. Uhhhgg I’m in a wreck rn just wish that police could be involved a bit lmfao
Sheep's Mask
Twisted asf and hella sad. Honestly sympathise with Gyeol, but dang. It’s literally so sad how the happenings in the military consumed him till this point. Also sad that those perverts were allowed to live a life of normalcy— excluding the sergeant and the starter of it all at a certain point. Also as the uploader said, this kinda shit is not unheard of in the world— fucking twisted sick shit. I doubt the author wrote this stuff to fetishise it. It’s more rather a psychological heavy story on how these happenings ruined the victims livelihood.