Papa no Sukinahito
I felt that this needed a few more chapters before the seme confessed, it felt a bit rushed, but it was super fluffy and cute nonetheless. Yaoi mangas with kids are always incredibly adorable :3
Mujintou Ni Motte Iku Nara
The seme is exactly my type eheh btw, how come the uke is blushing from the first panel to the last one?hahah
Itonaga-kun no Koi no Ito
Hatsukoi (kazuki Rai)
I’d write a long ass comment on this, but I’ll just try to be short. This is INCREDIBLY CUTE. A whole rollercoaster of emotions all mixed together to create a fluffy, funny, sad, crushing, beautiful love story. I love how both the seme and the uke have their character so fully described, with an amazing growth. I can understand the seme’s fight to understand his sexuality, being just an elementary school kid at first, and just a teen then. And the uke, god, his life. He is tough, extremely so. I cried twice, both times for the dialogues with their moms. God bless them.
Tie Me, Unravel Me, Kiss Me