Mister Gravure
God this is HOT! The sexual tension, their attraction, it was drawn so damn well. My god. I really do need more of this. But I also need to admit I wanted their roles switched eheh
BJ alex
Right now I’m overwhelmed by the beauty of this webtoon. I enjoyed every single panel of this story, there was not even a single thing that I thought as unnecessary in the whole 83+ chapters, I’m almost shocked by this fact. The story is so detailed and perfectly planned that it left me speechless. I LOVED every single character, the four of them were so realistic, balanced in their role and beautiful, each one of them in their own way. I particularly enjoyed how DG acted after the break up, I really loved his mindset, so rare in any other story that I read. But I need to admit that MD was the most fascinating one..I don’t know, hope this won’t have any strange impact on my life lol
Ai Subeki Sadist
How can he look so freaking good in those outfits?? I’m going crazy
Under My Skin
BIGGEST CRUSH EVER! I’m..speechless. I don’t think I’ll ever get over the seme here. My god he’s HOT
Anti Alpha
This was actually very interesting, a different twist to the omegaverse. In the beginning I didn’t like much the behaviour of the seme, but as i kept on reading it good better and better. Also, the art is so cleannn~~ love it
Hadaka yori mo Oku Fukaku
I almost can’t take it how beautiful, detailed and sexy this art is. As always, I’m in love with every single line that sensei draws. It leaves me speechless how much I love being left like this. Only side note is, it actually made my heart drop when Yuto admitted he slept with other guys too. I’m surprised by my newfound maiden heart haha
Like a Tidal Wave - from Pheromone Shower
Gosh this was sooooo gooood! The story is super interesting, they’re both super sexy, with great bodies, and they have a kiiddddd. I’m in love
The Devil in the Suit