Mahou Tsukai Countdown
Pretty sexy and consensual. 3.5 i loved the fits tstory but the sec story was asss
Ero Yume Aquarium
Yuri, a closeted gay kid becoems interested in marine biology. They go on dates to the aquarium galore and are so fucking cute
Shishunki Cherry Bullet
Azuma and Asahi are boyos in love and hormy and just figuring it out. Cuteeeeeeee
Shinnyuu Shain no Omega desu ga, Senpai Alpha Kaizoushimasu!
Made me tear up. So cute. So fucking cute
Iki Dekinai no wa Kimi no Sei
S3x freinds for 4 tears. Come on!!!! Just needed more fluff but whatevs
Suteneko Sagashimasu.
Cute. But i did think the ex partner was annoying. Like theyve been together for years back off?!?!?!?!? And we never got keos past!!!!!
Seishun Sanka!
Some Shuro believes writing your cryshes name in the swollen scrotum of a Tanuki statue will bring true love. He writes Nozumi (he thinkins) while Nozumo (popular hot boyo) is there. Nozumo think its about him and agrees to date Shiro. loversssss
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