Inner Beauty
My Invincible Vitality
My Starry Sky
Yonduk likes. Skylar , he’s a bitch thinks hes with him because of his moms money, childhood friends, distorted childhood memories from both sides. Skylar hates and bullies on yonduk, he still likes skylar and can’t get rid of his feelings. Chap 30 smth he tells him all the misunderstanding there were between them thanks to the counselors therapy. They leave in a semi good note and yonduk leaves for the provinces while Skylar is now missing and needing yonduk in Seoul. About chapter 50 they finally go out and the ending sucks because it’s just them finally dating after everything. There are no side chapters to make the relationship better at ALL. This was a gut wrenching series to read, i was getting cold shivers and crying for Skylar and yonduk.
Between Us Now
Wooyoung likes tae-smth. They become childhood friends and then they grow up and it’s like a push and pull senecio. They both like each other but the miscommunication is what’s distorting their relationship plus excessive jealousy they are both so jealous of each others new friends that they are blinded and start to drift apart till Mc goes to the military and ml FINALLY tried to reconnect but at that point ml is too heartbroken :(((