Under My Skin
Rough start but I'm happy with how it turned out. They really feel like lovers, and they just fit each other nicely. Seeing how Kudou and Satou change throughout the story is particularly nice. I always feel like Satou went after Kudou on a whim so it's nice to see how in love he was by like chapter 2 or 3. Kudou's arc about his tattoo was really sweet too. No major conflict was really nice. It's the first time I'm seeing that lol. Anyways really good story with the exception of the beginning... :)
Gozou Roppu no Koi
Really cool story. Love how it's pretty normal, of course with the exception of the creep and the extortion guys. The characters genuinely care about each other. I enjoyed seeing how they grew onto each other. More consequences for the creep and the extortionists but hey, that's basically my only issue other than the pretty speedy pace.
Shinrei Shashinshi Kouno Saburou
I think this would be a five star for me if the photographer hadn't been so creepy in the first half. He really had me on the edge about what he was trying to do. Otherwise, really interesting story!
Come to Hand
I think this is the first time I give out a five star for a BL...and I'd be very happy if that were true because I think this story really deserves it. It's sweet, wholesome, and well paced. I honestly wish there was more story so I could see more of the main pairing. The second pairing was also very sweet. Hajime reminded me a little of Lito from Sense8 when he talked about his roles helping him do things. Anyways, all in all, a very sweet story that you rarely come across.
S-Moo-sae is riding on love
Until I Meet My Husband
The Honest Life of a Game Studio
I love this manga sooooo much! Definitely rereadable lol! Also if I ever got my hands on that talisman I'd strangle it, cut it up into little pieces, and throw it in a volcano :D It's only what you deserve you dumbass magic paper :D
Hoshi wo Kazoeru Koto