3 Ban Sen no Campanella
This manga has one of my favorite analogies about life. I was in complete awe when it compared life and relationships to trains. I don't know it just really touched me on a personal level.
Blaster Knuckle
There is a whole other manga attached to this...pretty sure it's not related to Blaster Knuckle at all lol. Anyways I really liked the story and how badass Victor was. He was so friggin cool all the time!!! Tho I can see some people having issues with the story lol. I felt like there could be more to it 3
Yagiza no Yuujin
Lol all cuz this man said it was gonna rain...anyways I really like the art style and the story was pretty interesting. Tho I wish there was more explained about his windy house...but I don't think I would be able to come up with something to make it make sense so it doesn't really matter.