whimsi's manga / #Prostitution(16)

Seku Tsuga

Complete | SATOMARU Mami | 2018 released
2022-09-26 08:30 marked


Ongoing | Mingwa | 2019 released

53 - “I feel like shit” LMAO NOW U FEEL LIKE SHIT??????? 52 - https://chapmanganato.to/manga-qx994106/chapter-52 37 - Seme is an even more extreme sack of shit and takes it all out on the doc. He manages to make the weigh-in and proceeds to the next part of the program drinking a ton of protein shakes and eating to build weight before the match. Some random "korean" guy brings them another shake but he;s already had his quota so they tell the doc to drink it. after they leave the room the effects of the protein shake from that shady ass stranger start to effect the doc. 36 - article was released about his bad shoulder which could only be at the fault of doctors selling him out. in an effort to combat the negative comments the team decides to set up a match with someone outside of his weight class, which means he has to lose weight. he was already cranky before all of this because he's in the middle of realizing that he's in love with the uke... but of course he cant come to that conclusion without raping him constantly. 34 - as of past transgressions weren’t enough, this constantly cracked out on power trips SOB has decided to blindfold deafen and mute the poor uke to prove a point to someone he deemed a threat to their toxic ultra predatory abusive relationship. 27 - Once its revealed that the uke now lives with & cooks for the seme one of the newbie fighters is jealous because he wants to be like & idolizes the seme. Since he doesn't do well enough to have any events yet he stays behind a lot which gives him time to get even more jealous at the lack of attention hes getting from the seme (wont spar with him/give him tips on bettering himself) compared to the uke who does nothing and seems to have his full attention. He almost catches onto them when the seme decides he wants to smash in the gym. The uke has a consultation with another doctor about the semes current physical health and they both agree he needs a break form all strenuous physical activity so the uke does everything in his power to distract him from it. Theyve both never played them due to being a workaholic and never having the time to play because of debt but quickly finds out the seme sucks ass at board games. Back at the gym the doc agrees to spar with the seme with the wager of getting one wish granted. he wins and uses his wish for the jealous newbie. 22 - So the uke is in horrendous debt because of general poverty, getting fired from his practition after being molested by a superior, and on top of all that his grandmothers chemo hospital bills, leading him to the decision that working as the semes PT is a great option despite his notoriously violent reputation. The first session goes fine, even though he accidentally gropes the guy during the massage. After being threatened by debt collectors on his way home he gets a call from the seme offering him 5 grand to come work for him right that minute. Ofcourse it cant be simple and straightforward cuz hes an asshole, and the intentions behind the call were for sex (If he doesnt have good sex before a match he loses. Superstitious Bastard.) The uke is taken aback, but agrees after much back and forth because he CANNOT let the oppertunity to make that much slip away. It goes horribly and the uke is injured by the rough sex, but it goes. The seme wants him to do the same again because it worked so well for his jinx but cant get in contact with him because the uke was ignoring him and all associated calls. Hes then attacked by the debt collectors again and goes to accept the job offer but only for 14 grand instead of 5. The offer gets accepted on the condition that sex happens WHENEVER the seme wants it. The uke agrees because of the money, but dreads the situation because of how much it hurts after and past trauma from getting assaulted. This continues for a while, during which the seme learns about his living situation after having to drive him home cuz hes drunk af from the welcome party. He takes him back to his house and they have sex but the uke is so stressed from worrying about his house being demolished, worrying about having sex wherever, worrying about trying to find somewhere else to live, & battered from the debt collectors that he collapses on his way to the bathroom and doesn't wake up until the afternoon. The seme starts to (poorly because hes a pos) look after him & one night ends up looking for him cuz hes not responding only to find him seconds from being raped by the debt collectors (who for whatever reason, continue to harrass & pester him even though hes paid on time) so he beats the shit out of them and pays the rest of the debt and takes the uke in to live with him. Hes also been more lenient towards the uke dealing with his granny. and in return hes offering breakfast/dinner.

Gotou-san wa Ore wo Kaitai

Complete | Megane | 2019 released

6 - salaryman with an unrequited love is mourning the complete loss of his crush when he finds out the guy got married (even though he knew it was impossible because he was criminally straight maybe homophobic) and asks a kid to spend the night with him for money because he looks exactly like his unrequited love when he was in highschool. The kid agrees, thinking that it'd be fun & knowing there'd be money in it for him. They sleep together and make an agreement to see each other again under the premise of pretending to be his lost love. Things work out great... Until the kid realizes hes in love with the salary man and loathes the idea that he isn't seen as himself while the salary man cant bring himself to see the kid because hes in love with him and they have a decent age gap, as well as the fact that they both don't like the idea of exchanging money to be in each others company anymore. It all comes to a head in the middle of the street and they get together officially.

Drastic Omega

Complete | MIKAWA Keiya | 2019 released

Make Me Bark

Complete | Sagold | 2017 released

35 - Two students who went to high school and now college together end up cohabitating because the ukes apartment catches fire and hes got nowhere else he can afford to stay. The catch is that the guy he moves in with wants him to become his dog since he's lonely and misses his childhood pet. The uke agrees because he feels a tad guilty about not being able o contribute to housing funds. The seme takes this oppertunity to try and push the relationship into dating. The second couple features a younger seme and an older uke who used to date the semes older brother. Regardless of that the seme confessed as a child and stuck with that crush all the way into adulthood. The uke doesn't want to indulge because of his age and his previous relationship but does because he admits that he fell for the guy.

Fuck Buddy for the Bottom Boy

Ongoing | Yamamori potato | 2022 released

https://twitter.com/ptt_ymmr/status/1750455731793633420?s=46&t=sSIzsfH46N5TUGuY1M-JlA C5E1 - Uke works as a rent boy because he loves sex, so why not make money doing it.. But things arent easy because even though hes getting plenty of dick its not satisfying to him. So he's in search of the perfect lay. He goes into work one day only to find out that the #1 spot in the company was taken from him by the newbie. He meets the newbie seme and the first thing the guy does is to call him a jerkface & leave. Determined to see what hes got, he gets lucky when a client requests a threesome which really turns out to be because he just wants to see the two of them fuck. So they do. Even when Virgin Fappy cant handle how intense it is and leaves, the seme agrees to continue the session and gives the uke supreme dick until the time slot runs out. Thouroughly satisfied the uke propositions him again only to be turned down. The get closer the next time they eat in the lunchroom because the seme cant cook for shit and only eats instant noodles, so the uke trades lunches with him & they exchange food from then on.

Ore No Virgine ha Uttenai

Ongoing | Tsunashi kuo | 2019 released
2023-06-25 00:55 marked

Instant Family

Ongoing | Ananas, Kingo | 2023 released

16 - Uke loses his mother in a deadly car accident that leaves his father disabled physically & mentally and ends up being taken in by his uncle and aunt. He's regularly is abused by his cousin using who takes advantage of his ill father as blackmail in order to force the uke into prostitution [i.e: Become my manager or else! You sleep with this manager etc so i can get a movie deal or we pull the plug on your dad since you cant afford the treatment.] Uke suffers from pheromone rejection so every forced act is seriously detrimental to his health, but his selfish spoiled brat of a cousin doesnt give a fuck and regularly wastes the opportunities pimping out his cousin has provided him if he doesn't like the role or is too lazy to show up. Since you need to exchange pheromones with the opposite secondary gender in this universe his doctor desperately advises him NOT to see anymore alphas or he could possibly die since they can't find the cause for the rejection. His cousin forces him to meet somebody else, and the guy his cousin attempts to bribe hates omegas. the seme dumps his drink on the uke and leaves in an annoyed rage. Later in the bathroom they confront each other & end up sleeping together AND THEY'RE COMPATIBLE. Uke is sent home with the alphas shirt. Doctor later confirms meeting this guy is the thing to do. They meet again unexpectedly when his cousin sets him up against his will again in retaliation for scolding him when he blew off the movie role because he didn't want to be a villain. Alpha saves the uke just before he gets raped and is about to make a deal with him. Big hints that they knew each other as children and imprinted. Alpha seems to be being controlled/enslaved by mafia???

Bad Trip

Ongoing | Azekari | 2019 released

5 - about a low rank yakuza member who earns money via prostitution, who meets an undercover cop on the lookout for information on a new addictive date rape drug called "pierce" that makes the user experience extreme ecstasy and severe memory loss among other things. They're both trying to find out more on the drug the cop for obvious reasons but the gang members are also on the lookout because it goes against the ironclad no drug policy. The two of them start as prostitute & client until the uke is on the lookout for a change of pace and ends up drugged for the second time only to be saved in the midst of a police sting. Agreeing to be a spy for the cop because he's his only source of income as well as his only prospect for getting more information on whats going on he unintentionally discovers a lead when a hostess at the bar he "works" at reminds him that the girl that drugged him worked there before she disappeared with the rival gang leader. He gets caught and taken prisoner when sneaking into the backrooms in order to ear hustle for more information where the rival gang leader attempts to force him to overdose on the drug. He manages to overpower them and escape but not before he is forced to swallow half the bottle. He's found 3 days later by the boss and the cop but he's beaten up, mentally fragile, and unable to remember to remember anything but his boss and his "job" which the cop is unexpectedly saddened by after becoming fond of him without realizing and suddenly struck with his absence when he goes missing. Now that hes been found, he's staying at the cops place because being around his boss [who he looks up to so much for picking him up when his parents abandoned him] noticeably stresses him out since he feels pathetic in his current state.


Complete | Brothers Without a Tomorrow | 2000 released