42 - they finally have their fifth date at the actors house only to be interrupted by the manager and when introduced as the boyfriend the manager faints. The other employee the MC works with is in love with a boss and has been drunkenly confessing to this man every time he gets blackout drunk. He doesn’t know that but because he feels like if he can’t have a successful love like nobody can he goes out of his way to sabotage the MC’s love life. The purpose of the assassination group is to stop gangs primarily but generally just permanently get rid of bad people. The rule of thumb is not to fall in love because it distracts you from your job. The octopus gang is out to get the MC in the actor because the pink haired gangster has a hunch that the MC is the culprit for the last raid. That last raid was a warning not to get any further into gang activity but the octopus gang ignores it and continues producing drugs so now the MC has the wipe them out
When the Killer Falls in Love