The Princess's Double Life
Ch.45 on (Official Trans)
Lady Crystal is a Man
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The East Wind of the Altas
To My Husband’s Mistress
SPOILERS Leticia Violet, was devoted to her husband, but she lost everything. Just as she is about to lose her life, a man appears in her life. He promises to help me achieve the perfect revenge…”When you say you’ll help me get my revenge… please honor your word.”To those who brought me to my death, I will give back all that I have received. ------- SPOILERS BELOW ML is not the husband but a hot blondie the husband is a piece of crap, he going to abandon the mistress (novel ch 195) . at the end just like his wife. He like being with her because he feeling like he is a knight in shining armor mistress attempts to kill MC. Literally calls her to a secluded spot, mocks her, reveals her father died dye to her greedy step mom... stabs her in the chest and pushes her into a lake MC can't have children, husband claims this is one of the many reasons he wants to divorce her. Except... she can't have kids because he pushed her down the stairs when they were young MC begged her father to use his wealth to help her husband. Her husband failed to pay him back in time, and the delay ruined her father and led to his death. Husband slaps MC for reminding him of that the in-laws immediately treat her badly and kick her out. Husband's sister even steals her clothing MC goes back home and the stepmom kicks her out. This is the stepmom that the mistress later claims killed mcs dad (because he was about to alter his will to leave everything to mc). Supposedly stepmom was also flirting with mcs husband MC is rescued and healed by ML who tells her while she was in a comma her funeral was held and everyone claimed she drowned herself, her stepmom was the witness. He offers to help her get revenge, but chapter ends before telling us what he'll want in return from user Lirae
The Crown Prince's Fiancee