Officials? SCL Juju (Catching up, 17 / 30)
This looks so interesting. It reminds me a bit like Don't Press the Button in the fact there's a hot ML and an adorable tiny animal as the MC/uke. "What's with the furball?" "He's my furball" ~ Yoon Chiyoung (ML) YESSSSSSSS, YOU TELL 'EM. I love how he's hot, possessive, unhinged, but also has the cutest reactions around the MC thinking it's just a random pup— not a shifter.
"Hyung always tells me to hold back, but Chiyoung doesn't." *Proud* SO ADORABLE I'M GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET I LOVE THIS. The fact chiyoung actually praised the pup for dumping piping hot soup into the other guy's lap because he was being such an a$shole.
Yoon Chiyoung's expressions when it has to do with Pupper are absolutely splendid, I struggle so much to let this marinate because it's so good. Reread probably 5 times now and it's equally as good as the first time ><
Don't Mess With the Puppy!