Someone else's BL Manhwa
Hmmm.. this had a very different plot line than the normal BLs that you’d usually see. Err.. well I was quite shocked to see the side couple get together before the main one (personally I think the side couple is cuter). This BL had some drama, but overall it ended pretty well. Of course, I feel pretty sad saying goodbye to the characters LOL. A thing I was confused about was why the main character just dropped the cross dressing? It kind of just got forgotten in the story. That’s all tho. Both couples are cute~
Cupid ni Rakurai
This is so cute holy
Golden Sparkle
YOO THIS IS SO CUTE ️ Tbh idk how a high schooler wouldn’t know how to masturbate but ig there are people in the world like that. Anyways, THIS IS SO CUTE HOLY SHITTTT THE SEME IS SO SWEET AND THE UKE IS SO CUUTE
Everyone Stand Up! Boys Love Private High School
Uh this plot was so ridiculously stupid (BL ACADEMY WTF) but it was cute (I guess?????)
A Strange Joke
I LOVE SO MUCH THE ART IS SO NICE I thought there was going to be a love triangle (there was; I felt very bad for the second lead TTvTT), but it wasn’t too complicated. LMFAOO THE TRANSLATOR FOR THIS PUT SO MANY MEMES AND PICK UP LINES IT WAS SO HILARIOUSBASMSJEKENRMTG anyways this is AMAZING ADORABLE SWEET (and clean kind of) UGHHH I love this so much. Wow. Officially one of my favorite BLs.
Uhhh... student gets hit with car and other mc is the only one who can see him so the only choice they have left is to fuck ´・ᴗ・` THAT’S THE PLOT LMFAOOAHSKSHF but I think the next chapter is the fucking
Sasaki to Miyano