Tokyo Crazy Paradise
This is a funny but interesting manga where the MC is dense, beautiful, and strong. The romance is there throughout but it takes a while for its full development and it has its tragic and sad moments but overall it's comedy, drama, romance.
100% Perfect Girl
This has got to be one of my favourite anime of all time in my top 3 forever. There is a lot of romance since the beginning and some really sad moment along the way but it all comes together in the end in a great way. I was crying happy tears in the end and I've re-read this more times than I can remember.
Heart To Give
This manga is really good and similar to 100% Perfect girl from the art to the way the characters personality is but different story line. I hope they update this soon I'm getting to really like this manga and the story line plus the mc.
Hikaru No Go
This manga is really great and I've re-read this manga many times and also watched the anime numerous times. I loved this so much that I actually started playing go online but im not very good since I'm a beginner but it's still very fun.
Black Bird
Youko x Boku SS
Haou Airen
I really love everything about this manga except the ending.
Skip Beat