Gouhou Shota Nara, Osotte mo Ii Desu Ka?
up to ch. 15
Our Future (Cheok Kong)
up to ch. 35 sieht interessant aus... ab ch. 25 --> hä???
Shh, You'll Wake up the Child
up to ch. 10 interessant
Seasons' Cafe
up to ch. 43 (end) raws: https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/1951026/%EA%B3%84%EC%A0%88%EB%8B%A4%EB%B0%A9?page=3&toon=BL%2FGL
Darkness Hound
up to ch. 7 Ch. 8 nur durchgescrollt (weil ich nix verstehe, nochmal von vorne? Summary am Anfang von ch. 8) Here for the smut! :D uff, ch. 6 is so lange her, ka mehr was passiert is... anfangs half-censured, später uncensored - HOT!!! (likelikelike!!)
Semantic Error
up to ch. 93 (end) All time favourite ch. 52 end of season 2 (hot kiss!!!) ch. 46 (GDrive) = 49 raws! Raws: ch. 55 (52) Free on Manta! ch. 36 - drinking game aaaaand kissing!!! Ch. 34 - Sangwoo küsst den schlafenden J!!! ch. 29 end of season 1 ch. 52 end of season 2 ok, mal abwarten... doch, geht ganz interessant los --> can't wait for more, awwww... Ch. 43... in the car... so damn Hot!!! Ch. 52: passionate kiss!!! raws: https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/7727146/%EC%8B%9C%EB%A7%A8%ED%8B%B1?toon=BL%2FGL+%EC%97%90%EB%9F%AC This is so fckng good, reread!
Oretachi Namamono Desu