Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation
"Life on rough, rundown Ira Street isn't easy at the best of times, but a recent string of murders have left the residents traumatized. Not Shavonne though. He's too busy trying to get by to worry about some murderer. However, that all changes when he meets his peculiar new neighbor. Lewellyn is young and handsome, yet eccentric. Why does he spend all day peeling onions on the apartment stairs until his eyes are red-raw. And what's with those filthy black fingernails? Nevertheless, Shavonne reluctantly accepts a dinner invitation at his neighbor's place. But after he makes a gruesome discovery during the candlelit meal, suddenly the murders feel a lot closer to home..." ✰ Tragic Past, Flashbacks ✰ Emotional, Angst ⤷ it’s 3:30 AM and my eyes have been glued to this WEBTOON for 75 chapters. Oh my God it’s so good. I don’t even know what to say about it. It’s such a well written story the second season when we get the flashbacks broke my heart so tragically I literally cried for the first time in years, there’s so much in pain on both sides and the way nothing made sense at first like the weird ass sticky notes and the onions and when you later learn their meaning oh my God literally took my breath away. I still have so many questions but I need to sleep. update i’m finished and can’t stop crying
Heesu in Class 2
"Heesu's world revolves around Chanyoung, his best friend and secret crush. He doesn't mind cheering Chanyoung from the sidelines or listening to all his girl problems. He doesn't care if people only know him as "Chanyoung's friend." Then one day, Heesu starts hearing his name everywhere. On the bus, in the halls, during lunch… Turns out, there's a rumor going around school (Got a love problem? Find Heesu in Class 2, and he'll tell you what to do!), and with that, Heesu suddenly finds himself the center of attention. But how could he give anyone advice? He doesn't even know what to do about his own crush!" ✰ Student x Student, Slow Romance ⤷ [ch 24] I CAN'T PICK WHO THE BIGGEST IDIOT OF THIS WEBTOON IS BUT SO FAR I HAVE 3 CONTENDERS, SPOILER ALERT NONE OF WHICH ARE HEESU. ARE Y'ALL DUMB OR DUMB. STOP SNEAKING BEHIND HIS BACK FFS. ALSO CHANYOUNG STOP FLIRTING W JIYU DON'T U HAVE A GF?? EVEN IF U DON'T STOP IT'S ANNOYING ME. ok bye
Shoushin Otoko ni Haru no Arashi
"An awkward honor student and a peevish writer in his 30s. A 200% pure heart-pounding age gap romance." ✰ Photographer x Student ✰ Age Gap - 15 Years ⤷ THIS SHIT WAS CUTE AS HELL this author is gr8 her shit mad real and SOULFUL 4.5-4.75
The Stranger in the Hoarding House
"Exhausted by his job, Kamakura shut himself in a house overflowing with garbage. But his time, which stopped on "that day", started moving forward once again when a neighbor he had never spoken to before stepped into his house." ✰ Friendly Neighbor x Depressed, Unemployed Neighbor ⤷ oh my God that was so fucking cute. Also biggest green flag relationship ever. I love both of them and both of their hair is so beautiful and unique. and I love this art!!!! such a good story. I need to gobble up a million more volumes, never stop making content around these two fucking cutie patooties. I need more. 4.5
Yopparai wa Omou ga Mama ni