Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation
"Life on rough, rundown Ira Street isn't easy at the best of times, but a recent string of murders have left the residents traumatized. Not Shavonne though. He's too busy trying to get by to worry about some murderer. However, that all changes when he meets his peculiar new neighbor. Lewellyn is young and handsome, yet eccentric. Why does he spend all day peeling onions on the apartment stairs until his eyes are red-raw. And what's with those filthy black fingernails? Nevertheless, Shavonne reluctantly accepts a dinner invitation at his neighbor's place. But after he makes a gruesome discovery during the candlelit meal, suddenly the murders feel a lot closer to home..." ✰ Tragic Past, Flashbacks ✰ Emotional, Angst ⤷ it’s 3:30 AM and my eyes have been glued to this WEBTOON for 75 chapters. Oh my God it’s so good. I don’t even know what to say about it. It’s such a well written story the second season when we get the flashbacks broke my heart so tragically I literally cried for the first time in years, there’s so much in pain on both sides and the way nothing made sense at first like the weird ass sticky notes and the onions and when you later learn their meaning oh my God literally took my breath away. I still have so many questions but I need to sleep. update i’m finished and can’t stop crying
Boy Meets Maria
"Taiga’s always worshiped the heroes he’s seen on TV. And now that he’s started high school, his fateful encounter with a certain girl compels him to make her his heroine. And she was known as the Madonna of the drama club, Maria. After seeing her perform on stage, Taiga falls head over heels and confesses his feelings to her and is tragically shot down. And to his surprise, the beautiful lady is actually a beautiful boy…" ✰ Love at First Sight, Student x Student ✰ Deeply Moving, Emotional Read ⤷ what the fuck why didn't i read this sooner 11/3: RIP author-sama
Ways of Parting