Yokosu Inu, Mekuru Yoru
Will prolly read even if it’s not updated. Yakuza. Nuff said.
I: Episode 0
Based on Itou-san (KURAKA Sui) Gah! Soooo good. Love ️ Over 9000!
Interview with a Murderer
Can’t wait for updates.
Double Mints
Gotta be in the right mood to take this one on.
Kichiku Megane
Sex hot. Glad I read comments first so expectation wasn’t high. Good smut, plot kinda. 2019.11
Kusatta Rasen
Wow. Suuuuper dark and awesome. I read this before a long time ago. Still good. Make sure to read prequel: Ienai Itami o Daite Iru (Yaoi) manga. These two stories are meant to be. 2019.12
Ienai Itami o Daite Iru
Read Kusatta Rasen first. Damn messed up stuff. Loved it. 2019.12
May Belongs to Me
Very good. Was worried that it was going to be another KillerStalker ... that I couldn’t get thru. Super psychological twist. Good times were had by all. 2019.12
Stigmata - Seikon Sousa