Koi no Yami
Prequel = Motte Meisubesh Reread. Toooo short. But good. 2019.12
Yuki to Matsu
Pleasant surprize. Well drawn and great story. Too bad there dont seem to be any other works by this mangaka. Update: more works in the works. Reread and this time appreciated the art style even more. Beautiful woodblock style with amazing detail. 2019.06
Senya Ichiya - Shitone no Himegoto
T-T such a great story. Well done. Crying but is was so good. Better the umpteeth time.
K-sensei no Yajuu na Aijou
First Book: K-sensei No Yajuu Na Aijou Second Book: K-sensei No Yaban Na Renai Third Book: K-Sensei no Furachi na Junai Fourth Book: K-Sensei no Himitsu no Netsujou
My Life With You
The best. Update - Still the best: With the exception that Oroborus is still out there, perfect story, perfect romance, perfect couple. Update 2020.03. Of all the Manga I’ve read, this is the best of all time. Let that sink in.
Kimi ni Sasayaku Mirai