Waterside Night
u can't deny that 1. the alpha is a shitty piece of shit 2. if u were to suck his cock, it'd taste like shit 3. if u were to take his pics, your screen would show shit 4. his parents are two lumps of shits that fucked in your toilet bowl and gave birth to him in the sewage 5. his origin is shit 6. i want him to have EVERY possible version of shitty ending (not involving the omega and his bro) idk why it's so hyped up on tiktok. and idk why tf the rating is THAT high (it deserves lower than 8.5 NGL) what i know is that i hate the alpha so bad i wanna push him off a cliff i wanna hit him w a truck so he isekai under a titan's foot and gets squished right after >~< , idc if he's hot or not i'm so mad i don't understand how people could bear reading this crap tbh i don't even wanna rate this crappy manhwa bcs i don't think it deserves even 1 fucking star. but i'm gonna rate it anyway so i can contribute to the lessening of the rate. PLS WHY DOES IT GET 9.3. PEOPLE R FUCKING TASTELESS. WTF
Omega Complex
wake up alpha. your dense nature makes me tired
Sensei, Gaman Dekimasen