Soshite Mata Kiss wo Shite
Ahh. Adorable. Two dudes who dated in middle schoop and were found out and bullied mert again in jigh shcool cuz of seme. Allot of stuff happend but they end up dating n its rlly cute.
Wolf Me Up
Ahhh so freaking cute. Short dude asks tall dude to help him become taller and cooler and tall dude likes him and kisses him and they date wahaha its adorabllleee.
Jikyuu Jisoku de Nani ga Warui
Friends decide to lose their virginity to each other lmao. Seme falls in love. Uke datrs girl but breaks up w her and dates seme. Rlly cute
Hypnosis Mic - Answer (Doujinshi)
Omfg i love this but i need more. Alpha switches blood tests so omega thinks hes alpha and vice versa but real alpha reveals it to him during... yk, and makes him pregnant and marks him. However, erm, its so open ended. Semes a lil fishy, i hope he genuinly loves uke tho. He better.
High School Lala Love
OMggg i love it its so my type adorable wah wah and so cuteee i feel the secondhand embarrassment chpt. 6. Sad tho cuz no hotness rlly lmao HUH. Too rushed, tbh
Pink To Mameshiba
UGHSFS TOO CUTE AND HOT. semes hot asf ukes adorable. Ukes an otakku and seme is idols brother. Seme finds out anout ukes obsession and makes uk(teacher) his dog. Adorable love story.
Crack Star
Soo frucking cutee. Childhood friends reunite and uke stays at semes house. Uke is gay and meets up with old f buddy and seme gets jelly and they find out they like each other
Hatsukoi Encounter
Cute. Dude frm movie club and popular dude who cant get it up without movie club dude
Kyou Kara Omega ni Narimashita