I liked the art but the stories annoyed me a bit; it seems like the guys just did whatever they wanted, relentlessly pursuing the ukes and forcing themselves on them, only to be forgiven because they just happened to fall magically in love. Also, the translation of the story surrounding the second couple was a bit difficult to understand- even though I got the main points, there were a lot of sentences that just plain didn't make sense.
Chou yo Hana yo (WATANABE Asia)
The dad looked way too young (younger than the 18 y.o's!) but the sex scenes were really well done.
Gokujou No Koibito
I really do love this author; I think her notes are written in such a casual and friendly way that you can really connect with her when you read them! It was a good story (and I'm glad we got to see a long work by her!) but I wish the ending hadn't been quite so corny. Also...I really wanted poos Akito to win! I love his character so much! Or, at the very least, I wish I could have seen Yoshimi get dumped, mature due to the heartbreak, and then come back and win him over again.
Shortcut Love!!
Pretty good. I wanted to see more of Sakikabara though!
Inu To No Hibi
I wish they could have caught the stalker. That guy was creepy!
Ikusen no Toki o Koete
It was fairly interesting, but typical at the start, but the surprised twist certainly made it more interesting in the last 2 chapters or so. I did wish we could have read more chapters after finding out his secret- I feel like the parts I wanted to read about the most were rushed through. The very last scene did make me want to cry, though, where his hands changed. That, coupled with the line "until death separates us" just hit me right in the heart T_T. I always like it when mangakas can convey an entire instance and the emotions behind it within 1 or 2 images and little text, as only great story tellers can.
Sensei To Himitsu
Didn't care for it...If someone's gonna be a prick and abuse and take advantage of others, he damn sure better suffer for it.
Suki Dakara Itte Hoshikunai
Not bad. The second story was rather interesting (though the first was unremarkable). The train story didn't make much sense to me until someone else explained it though; it was being told from the pov of the guy after his run in with the molester forced him to acknowledge his homosexuality. Makes so much more sense!
Arienai Futari
This was really interesting! With the exception of the first, I thoroughly enjoyed all the stories. I really wish the 4th story had been continued, though. I want to see more!
Melancholic Mellow Mellow