Oh. My. God. This series was fucking fantastic! Every chapter had me torn between needing to know what happened next and wanting to stop and piss myself out of fear. As soon as I finished I wanted to reread! Though there were a few stones that went unturned (a few plot holes that were never really filled), who the hell cares? It was still a super enjoyable read.
Mirai Nikki
Hated the two main characters (the main guy was such a pansy about everything) but I still gave it 4 stars for a pretty engaging plot. Although things did get a little...muddled in the last few chapters, there were plenty of interesting twists and turns that made me want to read more. Not to mention, I really loved Akise's character. So so much! Overall good read, though I wouldn't read it again!
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Episode 1: Legend Of The Golden Witch
Cool. Gonna read the sequel
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Episode 2: Turn Of The Golden Witch
Hmm..things got a bit confusing in the final chapter and the setup in the beginning was pretty boring, though I understand why the author did it. [Spoiler] I'm curious as to why Battler got back up though? Didn't he already admit defeat? And it's not as if he figured anything out, so does he just want to be tortured again?
This may have been the first manga I ever completed so it certainly has a special place in my heart. And, boy, what a manga to call my first! Although it seemed to start out so simple and light hearted, this manga really showed itself to be unexpectedly complex. The author did a great job of slowly revealing the dark emotions in all of the characters in a realistic way, like slowly peeling away layers of an onion until you're left with nothing but the raw insides. In fact, this author's greatest talent might be the verisimilitude of her characters; it's like you're watching real live people interact. But I digress. I just wanted to say that this manga will make you laugh, and cry, and reevaluate the way you look at yourself and the people around you. I think it's a great manga to read when entering or leaving adolescence as it serves as a reminder that people are difficult and confusing and cruel, but are rarely evil.
Eensy Weensy Monster
I found this super cute and enjoyable! And I'm glad the romance took a back seat in this; the main focus really seemed to be the two MC's trying to understand their emotions, including the dark thoughts we have deep inside that come out when we snap. It gave more depth to the characters, especially considering most of your teenage years are spent trying to understand yourself, rather than getting a boyfriend. What a refreshing change of pace!
Suna No Shiro
Such a great story! It's the type of old manga that doesn't rely on the art to move the story along; you get absorbed into the characters' world and genuinely start to feel emotionally attached. This is a josei I'd read on a chilly fall day with a cup of cocoa lol
Eternal Sabbath
Really well done manga, even with the sad ending. The pacing was absolutely fantastic- very hard to come by in these types of series. More importantly, I love how the mangaka showed how tiny bad actions by a good person can create psychopaths, especially as children. At the end of the manga, no one was completely good or bad; even Izaku, as much as I wanted him to lose, I pitied him and wished he could survive and be taken in by Akiba and Kiyo who reformed him through love. So you can imagine the actual end made me a bit depressed lol!