Suki Dakara Itte Hoshikunai
Not bad. The second story was rather interesting (though the first was unremarkable). The train story didn't make much sense to me until someone else explained it though; it was being told from the pov of the guy after his run in with the molester forced him to acknowledge his homosexuality. Makes so much more sense!
Arienai Futari
This was really interesting! With the exception of the first, I thoroughly enjoyed all the stories. I really wish the 4th story had been continued, though. I want to see more!
Yarashii Hirusagari
Hated a ton of the stories as this author just seemed to have a thing for awful, shitty characters and the people who settle for them. I did somewhat enjoy chapters 6 and 7 though. And one other chapter somewhere in the middle
Sekai wa Bokura no Tameni!
Didn't care for the main story- the plot was predictable, the characters were dull, and the ending was just a super boring cop-out time skip. But the side stories were relatively interesting, so I don't regret reading it or anything.
Horikou Hanemono Ranger
I didn't care for it somehow. Guess it just wasn't my type of story?
yuuwaku no bansan
Once again, kinda meh. Maybe I'm just not fond of this author? The art was great and the stories were cute enough, but I just couldn't form any sort of emotional connection with any of the characters. I guess it feels like the sex comes too quickly without much emotional buildup, and then the characters just fall in love when they're done. The first story was actually pretty good since we really got to see the characters fall for each other. Also never understood why the 3rd story ended the way it did. Was the woman actually his fiance? Did the MC ever oust her as a psychopath?
Yuru Koi
Mousou One Room
Really just very cute. I preferred the first story, though I really dislike falling in love after being forced, even if it's just jerking off.
Love Knot
Not bad. It was entertaining, at least.
Seito No Shuchou Kyoushi No Honbun