Kiiiinda wished she actually broke up with her boyfriend before kissing another guy but, hey, there were only 2 pages left, I get it.
I get why people hate this manga; I kinda do too. The female MC's are so dick dizzy they can't tell up from down or realize when the guy(s) they're chasing after don't have any respect for them. But you know what? The first story was so ridiculous that it was funny and, for that, I gave it 2 stars. I would have put it at 3 (it was so over-the-top it seemed like the author were poking fun at how overly aggressive shoujo MCs are about chasing after love) but the 2nd story kind of ruined it for me. Even though it was rather realistic, something about it irritated me. Maybe it was the perfect timing of the accident? The fact that she used his feelings for her up until the end and the suddenly decided she liked him?
I liked it. I also really liked the 3rd story, not because of the MC (I really disliked her) but because it was nice to see the "choose my boyfriend over my friend even though I know he's lying" scenario from the pov of the willfully ignorant girlfriend. Plus, I'm really glad they didn't become friends again just like that; that perfect unicorn-gumdrop fairy tale ending always kinda rubbed me the wrong way.
Hetare Venus
It was cute overall and the last story was kind of hilarious lol
Sono Kuchibiru, Itadakimasu
Meh. Exaggerated the falling in love aspect but whatever. Meanwhile, a lip mole is super sexy so I can def understand the MC of the first story
Love Com Two