Murasame-kun na Tawagoto
Reading too many in a row really reduces the impact!
Iinchou no Himegoto
How do I say this? This was kind of really awful lol. Don't get me wrong- it was a great setup and decent art, but the actual plot was really bad. It was as if the author wrote each chapter to be the last one, like reading 10 one shots about the same couple in a row. But a 27 page one shot doesn't really give you much time to develop any emotion towards the characters, especially when dealing with such a bombastic topic like a high school yakuza head. Characters were introduced with little to no backstory, the problem was resolved within 10-15 pages, and then the character disappears again. We never actually find out anything about them. The three "love-triangle" characters would have made great story fodder (ex: I was really curious as to why the other Yakuza guy was so attached to the MC; what was his past like that he wanted to be with her so badly?). It just seemed like an effort to force the plot along, rather than letting the character development take the story with it, which is such a waste considering the good setup and characters with so much potential! But this is pretty characteristic of this author, I guess. I'm always just so disappointed because she turns what could be great stories into shallow time-killers. Really wish she'd study a bit more on how to improve suspense so she can hook readers in better... -_-
Boku kara Kimi ga Kienai
Cliche after cliche after cliche mixed with a plot that needed a horse and wagon to be carried...but I finished it and didn't absolutely hate it so 2 stars
Nobara no Hanayome
I'm not sure how I feel about this manga. The plot setup is fun (not original but fun) but it's been done better in several other mangas. The characters seem interesting but, in the end, we don't see much development from them other than the fact that the MC starts to like the male lead. There's potential for a good story but, rather than using different scenes to show how the male's feelings for the MC advanced, the author keeps repeating the same 4 panels of her covering him with the umbrella and telling him to come to her house. Did he actually go to her house, btw? We don't know how he felt ending up in the same class as her (it could have been on purpose since he was "watching her") or how he came to find out about her debt. Even in chapter 4, her rival did an about face instantaneously, but we weren't shown enough background on the rival to support the sudden change of heart. Literally, one page she says she doesn't want to live poor like her mother and the next she's happy that her mother's keepsake was saved. We don't get to see any of the relationship between the girl and her mother to suggest that she actually really cares about her. So it just seems like she changed her mind on a whim rather than out of actual character development. And that's what I mean by shallow; the author plants the seeds of typical shoujo situations, and expects us to go along with it just because it's been done that way before. But without any elaboration on these situations, it's like she's just copy pasting any generic story formula.
Sweet Black
Read this for the first time maybe 7 years ago and never got the chance to finish so I had to this time...kinda wish I hadn't- I should have left this series as a nice memory in my head. Now that I'm older and have read it all the way through, I can say I really didn't like it. It's not as if I hated it, it was just really bland. I was soooooo bored reading this it was ridiculous! The writing was lackluster and a little bit cheesy, the characters were dull and static with the exception of the male lead (such is the way shoujo goes I suppose). I thought the plot was extremely inconsistent like when the MC claims she found out about her brother on her mother's deathbed but a few chapters later says she would only wear her brother's old clothes when she was young OR the fact that she listed her birthplace as NY but the first chapter shows her mother dying in England and not one mention is ever made as to how/why they moved or even that they did move...there were just way too many holes left unexplained. Even though the characters' eyes bordered on way too big, the art wasn't bad at all. Ending was terrible; if I went all the way to Japan just to find my brother, best believe I'd damn sure ask any guy I suspected of being him! All in all, it was a waste of (my) time but I can imagine someone much younger would like it. I wish I could get back the 40 minutes I wasted reading this though...
Hot Limit
How do I say this? It was kinda awful lol. I didn't care for it at all! They never actually showed the criminal getting in trouble for everything, emotions were a bit shallow (when did the MC even fall in love?), and key issues were never really explained (how did Shinya first become Maya?). Just not enjoyable at all.
Daikirai Na Aitsu
Kare wa Tomodachi*
It was generic in terms of character tropes and plot mechanisms we've seen a thousand times before, but I still liked it. Maybe I enjoyed the art more than I expected? Or maybe it was the surprise of the age the author picked for them to do some of the things they did? It's like she had them acting more mature as middle schoolers than high schoolers. The pregnancy deal was also unexpected's really only an OK story. The considerable misunderstandings and running around pissed me off as they do in every shoujo (seriously, who is telling these kids a perfect relationship just happens without work?) so I don't suppose I can be too angry about it.
Senpai To Kanojo