17 (sakurai Machiko)
Get the feeling this is gonna be a flip flop situation so I just put that in. As for my impressions...hmm didn't care for the first bf too much since he was basically taking advantage of the girlfriend (of her girlfriend like actions without reciprocating as a boyfriend) but I realized I quite liked his character when I saw he didn't get unreasonably jealous or try to break her and Megumi apart or anything. It was just two people who fell out of love, and split up amicably without any drama. I was a bit shocked at Megumi's trauma- I'd secretly been hoping he'd come out as gay and that could explain why he was so friendly and tried so hard but ignored female advances. The actual story was a bit disappointing. To be honest, I'm even surprised he took it so hard; usually the guys are okay in that situation but it was an interesting perspective. I'm not particularly interested in reading more or anything since I've got a general idea of where this is going but it was an entertaining enough read.
Tonari no Atashi