Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen
A very entertaining read! Somehow I feel like it painted a different picture of royalty/royal marriages than I'm used to seeing. Not as dramatic as reimei no arcana but still had some substance. Either way, it was a solid story, really likeable characters, well paced plot, and art that really did leave me wanting to quickly start the next chapter.
Kare First Love
Meh. It was pretty typical and dragged on for a while. Read it all of two weeks ago and legitimately couldn't remember how it ended/main drama or any of that so it certainly doesn't make an impression. Luckily, the art was nice enough to remind me. Pretty typical stuff, though.
Bokutachi Wa Shitte Shimatta
Originally tried to read this and was so bored I had to stop. Tried again a few years later and was still bored but...the side characters like her friend and his brother were interesting enough to keep me going. Lots of pointless drama and such mostly resulting from the fact that the guy is a grade A idiot who doesn't seem to understand that girlfriends and girl friends don't get treated the same and the girl is a weak willed child who doesn't know how to voice her opinions.
Hadashi De Bara Wo Fume
Somehow I really liked this series. I genuinely can't tell you why (the kids? the fact that she was really good at shogi? the double crossing?) but I did. And I liked the characters as well as the way the plot flowed. I'm not a big fan of this author's other works either, so this really made an impact on me :)
Sagatte Omachi Kudasai
Mirai Nikki
Hated the two main characters (the main guy was such a pansy about everything) but I still gave it 4 stars for a pretty engaging plot. Although things did get a little...muddled in the last few chapters, there were plenty of interesting twists and turns that made me want to read more. Not to mention, I really loved Akise's character. So so much! Overall good read, though I wouldn't read it again!
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Although I was looking for an actual horror manga so this one didn't exactly fit the bill, but I guess it was pretty good. Such young students/light horror isn't really my cup of tea and the story really seemed to lack any actual suspense (hence no horror tag from me). Rather, around chapter 20, I wanted to stop but steadfastly charged on. It was cute, though, so I'd give it 3 stars. Still dislike the grandmother's character...
Koi to wa Yobenai
It was a very good manga- it could have gotten 5 stars from me tbh. I had to knock at least one off for the dragging on towards the end, though. Around chapter 15/16, all the problems were resolved and the two should have started dating, but then one ridiculous misunderstanding carried over for 4 chapters for seemingly no reason. It just seemed like a unnecessary way to milk a bit more money out of the story for me. All in all though, good plot, great art, and really likeable characters.
Diamond Life