Oh. My. God. This series was fucking fantastic! Every chapter had me torn between needing to know what happened next and wanting to stop and piss myself out of fear. As soon as I finished I wanted to reread! Though there were a few stones that went unturned (a few plot holes that were never really filled), who the hell cares? It was still a super enjoyable read.
Kokoro (kanda neko)
Bio-Meat: Nectar
I really have nothing I can say about this manga except that it was amazing!!!! Read it cover to cover in about 4 hours and only wish I could reread it! Such an underrated manga- it easily stands on the same level as, or higher than more popular survival mangas like Psyren or Eden no Ori.
Kanata Kara
Loved it, just loved it.
Eien No With
Ugh such a tear jerker! Glad the two ended up together in the end, though.
This may have been the first manga I ever completed so it certainly has a special place in my heart. And, boy, what a manga to call my first! Although it seemed to start out so simple and light hearted, this manga really showed itself to be unexpectedly complex. The author did a great job of slowly revealing the dark emotions in all of the characters in a realistic way, like slowly peeling away layers of an onion until you're left with nothing but the raw insides. In fact, this author's greatest talent might be the verisimilitude of her characters; it's like you're watching real live people interact. But I digress. I just wanted to say that this manga will make you laugh, and cry, and reevaluate the way you look at yourself and the people around you. I think it's a great manga to read when entering or leaving adolescence as it serves as a reminder that people are difficult and confusing and cruel, but are rarely evil.
Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Absolutely fan-fucking-tastic! This manga makes me break down in tears whenever I read it! How can this manage to make a work so heartwearming, pulse-racing, gut wrenching, and side splitting all at once?! She's the worst- clearly trying to kill us with her talent! >.
Binbougami ga!
I'm absolutely flabbergasted that this isn't more popular than it is; this series is fan-fucking-tastic! I laughed, I cried, I laughed till I cried, and I just wanted more. It's a story that really only improves as time goes by- and the end is really great and completely faithful to the story- it's not a perfect happy end just because we want it to be, unavoidable things are still unavoidable. I could really sing praises of this for days, but that would mean you'd have to waste time reading this instead of the manga. So go for it! ^.^
Beast Master