Koi Wo Suru No Ga Shigoto Desu
It was a fairly interesting story, but somehow managed to be so saturated with sex that I got a bit irritated after a while. It's just like, this is the 10th sex scene in 6 chapters, any chance we could use the extra pages to develop the plot or characters a little more? The ending fell so flat, and the major confrontation just wasn't there. Wish the author had spent more time on those, rather than showing us the main couple sleeping together or Saiga and his troupe of sexmates.
Ore wa Warukunai
Interesting arrangement which I think really helped make the story more enjoyable. Let's be honest: the plot by itself is really just alright (though the characters are really very interesting) so the fact that we see them 8 years in the future and then go back to see how they all came together helped maintain my interest longer than a normal pace would have. Tbh, though, I felt the cousin's character was completely unnecessary as he didn't really drive the plot; despite the fact that the 1st chapter seems to set him up as MC, we quickly see that he has pretty much no effect on the other characters. So I guess the author could have either saved herself the time by not including his character altogether, or spent more time on trying to give him a purpose in the story. If all of the relationships/interactions between the characters were the same before and after the cousin comes in, what's the point?
Soryanaize Darling
So I'm guessing they didn't lose their memories after all? But I thought the plot was fairly unique and well executed, even though the author did have that little hiccup with future Touya not remembering Maiko (unless she and Nagasei broke up quick?). But with so many separate time travel incidents, it's pretty amazing she only made 1 plot error. All in all, a solid story! I didn't feel anything from the love triangle, though; seemed thrown in just to extend the plot.
Tonari no Atashi
One of the few shoujo manga where the MC ends up with the 2nd guy; always a pleasure to see since they usually work so damn hard to be loved! Despite the ending, though, I didn't care much for the manga. Maybe I would have liked it more if it weren't for all the added drama with Asou and Kyou's senpai; after a while, I just got annoyed with all the couple issues and wanted Nina to pick somebody so the manga would end lol.
whoa! So many feels, so little time! This author truly did a good job rounding out each character; their joys, regrets, sorrows, and mistakes made them so painfully human that it almost hurt to read. With this sort of emotion packed story, though, I should really pace myself- reading it all in one go is almost too much! Always inspires some good introspection, but I find I'm never really happy after reading such angsty works. Even when there's a "happy" ending, I always wonder if that's really the best (or even a good) outcome. I guess that just adds to the verisimilitude, though: we don't really know if the choices we make are the best ones, we just have to do what we feel is right and roll with it. The happy outcome is entirely up to the people involved.
Mucha Kucha Daisuki
Aoi is a countryside girl who falls in love with a Tokyo boy and moves to the big city in pursuit of love (also mostly because her dad got transferred). Along comes her country childhood friend who's loved her forever and a love triangle situation ensues, cue father's interference, lies to naive idiots, etc. Only, this story takes a turn for tragedy and delivers some of the most heart rending final chapters I've ever seen in a shoujo. And so, despite hating the characters, I can't help but love them because, at the end of the day, they're just dummies dumbing the only way they know how. I was totally ready to write this story off after the first 8-10 chapters: the MC was an irredeemable idiot, and all of the male characters were so stuck on themselves and their pride they didn't care how the MC felt in the best of cases, and actively tried to hurt her in the worst. I literally kept reading for the satisfaction of dealing a hearty "sucked!" in my review when I was done. Then it took an unexpected turn and delivered some of the most tear-jerking chapters I've ever seen in a shoujo that I just couldn't bring myself to keep hating it. The MC was no longer a fool; the guys stopped being sociopaths and started to value her feelings, and the overbearing father all but disappeared. At that point I could only think "Aha! This is the story I've been waiting for!" And although the ending left a bit to be desired for me (can't put my finger on it, maybe it was because I didn't feel he ever really got closure after losing both her picture and letter?), it transformed into such a touching story in the last 5 chapters that I was left in tears afterwards T-T And all of the extra stories were comical, or just interesting to read, even if I didn't particularly care for most (all) of the male leads in them.
17 (sakurai Machiko)
Get the feeling this is gonna be a flip flop situation so I just put that in. As for my impressions...hmm didn't care for the first bf too much since he was basically taking advantage of the girlfriend (of her girlfriend like actions without reciprocating as a boyfriend) but I realized I quite liked his character when I saw he didn't get unreasonably jealous or try to break her and Megumi apart or anything. It was just two people who fell out of love, and split up amicably without any drama. I was a bit shocked at Megumi's trauma- I'd secretly been hoping he'd come out as gay and that could explain why he was so friendly and tried so hard but ignored female advances. The actual story was a bit disappointing. To be honest, I'm even surprised he took it so hard; usually the guys are okay in that situation but it was an interesting perspective. I'm not particularly interested in reading more or anything since I've got a general idea of where this is going but it was an entertaining enough read.
It was good! Not as good as Life, even though it had tons of drama (why was her elementary teacher such a bitch?), but still great. This author really has talent for portraying her MC's emotions and I love the way she does their expressions. Their smiles fill me with joy while their pained expressions make me tear up! I think the way the author portrayed the actual drawing -especially when someone was fired up- was a bit overdramatic, though. But her intense art style really suits the dark emotions she draws out.
Shinigami Hime No Saikon