Messiah no Yakubi
9/10 This one is HILARIOUS and yet my kokoro felt for the self-proclaimed-yet-100%-uke-as-fuck MC. This whole ordeal of noncon yet con type of rape thing goes on. However, it is from harada and this is actually a must read, although it isn't as necessarily dark and fucked up as her other works, it's really cute!
Killing Stalking
10/10 This is one of the best manhwa I have ever read. I have been waiting for a fucking story like this. It didn't even have to be YAOI or BL, it's perfect. The whole predator x prey, killer x victim, sadist x masochist trope is spot on 100%. I'm in love with this story. This is fucked up as hell just the way I love it.
Bastard (hwang Youngchan)
RATING: 10/10 So far this is a fucking masterpiece. Nothing philisophical or artsy but just damn good. The antagonist actually gave me chills, instilling actual 'fear' in me while reading this toon. The deliverance of the story in being in the MC's shoes drowns you with the actual horror and terror he would have faced growing up. This is one hell of a psychological thriller that I'm really looking forward to.
The Devil's Boy
The ending and storyplotline kind of got out of hand..
Yoru To Asa No Uta