Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid
Rental Onii-chan
20 [FINISHED] So cute and sad. Art is beautiful
A Stepmother's Märchen
68/44 MC Marchioness Shuli Neushwanstein & Ml Nora Nuremberg (darkskin). 《DEAD Husband Johaness (blond)》Children Jeremy (brown), Elias (red), & Twins Leon and Rachel (blonde). Jeremy's Fiance Ohara Heinrich (blonde, purple, ch 19). Knight Captain Alberon (short brown), Vice Captain Everette (wavy brown), Butler Robert (grey stache), Maid Gwen (short green). Nora's Dad Duke Albercht Nuremberg (darkskin, stache, empress' lil bro), his wife Duchess Heidi (blue). Imperial Empress Elisabeth Bon Baden Bismarck (red), her son 2nd Prince Reitlen (red, kid, sickly). Nobles Ohara's Dad Duke Heinrich (blond), Madam Byron (old, ch 25), & Schweig (darkskin, grey muttons). Savafid Royalty King Beyazid Pasha, Prince Ali Pasha, Princess Halime Pasha (darkskin, green, 36) Evil Cardinal Richelieu [Erwin Von Dreger] (brown, eyebags), his helper Wolff (short beige). Crown Prince Theobald Von Baden Bismarck (silver, shuli looks like his mom). Kids' Strict Aunt Lucretia Von Sebastian (brown, fat, 5-11) & her bros Valentino Von Neuschwanstein (brown) & Mueller (brown stache), Strict Etiquette Teacher Madam Roswell (light beige). MC's Manipulative Older Bro Lucas (red pony, 16-18) & her Mom Viscountess Egelhoff (red, ch 29) 《MC's Deceased Husband Johannes. Former Empress Ludovica (violet, looks like shuli, theo's mom), Kids' Dead Mom Alicia Reicher (short red)》 *ch 26- Elias threw a rock at Mc's head and she fell down and got a neck scar *32/33- The confession to mc *35- Nora's dad abuses him and favors Theo (his cousin) so Nora developed an inferior complex and his mom is depressed because she doesn't know how to talk to him anymore *41- Theo fell on Mc & Jeremy thought he attacked her so he attacked him and was arrested for attempted assassination *42/43- Shulli has concluded to find evidence that her marriage with Johannes was "lacking" so that she can get a divorce, thus making Jeremy the head and he can request a duel so that he won't have his hand cut off *43- Empress is pursuing for Jeremy's hand to be cut as a test to see if MC is truly fit to handle anything and be head of house
Skeleton Soldier (Skeleton Soldier Couldn't Protect the Dungeon)
167 10/10 good adventure, so good MC Skeleton, Necromancer Rae Rubia (orange); MC's friends T&T guild master Rena (blonde) & Demon Lord Isaac (black, raven, Priest of Malphas). Imperial Knight Marquis Vatienne Von Leandro (blue). Mercenary Christina de Bruiser (short brown, looked down on for being a woman). Smuggler Merchant Captain Nexmond (red beard) Noble Karin (blue, helped lead war in past). Strong Knight Countess Isabelle Simone (blonde, Leandro likes her); Knight Riley (blue, scar). Necromancer Guilles De Rais (half skeleton face, army of skeleton) 《Organization Red Flake (has Lu-Lium)》Starlight Blue Fox (fox mask, nun), Brody (wolf, son Lumen) Black Knight (very powerful, identity unknown); Evil Duke Laurence (drag); Rubia's Corrupt Uncle Rae Kurk (blond, beard). First Priest of Demon Lord Botis aka Head of Necron Society Snake Duke Vibiro (old, snake body) . Necron Society is evil organization led by Vibiro that is spread all over the Empire, corrupting it. It's followers are marked with snake tattoos; their Demon is Botis
This Witch of Mine
[actually made me cry, very good] story with different perspectives, & all parts are linked. 《1》Colin (black hair, one-armed), Philippa (red hair, witch) & her familiar Lily (black cat). Colin dies sudden deaths when he meets Philippa, but nonetheless he keeps loving her and meeting her every time he comes back to life. After Colin is murdered in one of his lives, Phillipa becomes a demon lord, killing everyone for 500 years & begged Colin to kill her, making him a "hero". 《2》Cordelia (blonde witch) & familiar bluebird Daisy & Mikael (orange hair). Mikael is Cordelia's first love, she loves seeing him happy & likes him being hers. 《3》 Cazarline (witch, black hair), loves seeing a human's painful faces. She bothers Shirley, who loves Cardelia so she can see her cry. They end up falling in love. 《4》Lily lives with General Ian who found her after Phillipa died. They both have problems with wanting to stay alive. Lily "sacrifices" herself to make Colin a "hero" again because she loves him (sibling-like). She and Ian love each other. 《5》Violetta (witch) is an aspiring author in a man's world & falls in love with Layne, a small author (knew Colin & Lily as kids in his life).<>Margaret (witch) loves Linda (witch) who is known to fall in love and get heartbroken easily although she may not love her back.<>Holli (witch, drill hair) likes cookies & makes a contract with a human baker. Shirley dies because of bad health.《5》Lily & Ian have kids. Colin meets Phillipa once again.
The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness
36 Absolutely insane & chaotic. Pretty good. MC Raoul. Goddess of Love (helped revive mc). Imposter MC Ada Taylor (blonde, wants revenge on W & C for killing her fam. [DEAD] Princess Victoria (blonde drills), [DEAD] Knight Sandra (long black). Emil Auclair (engaged to princess), Saintess Cristina. Mage Windell (darkskin, blond, betrayed mc) & Merchant Cameron Allingham (drag) are selling demons as slaves with an imposter MC (Ada Taylor).
Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi
Read this like over a year ago. It's good. Loved the op and I'm finally getting around to watching the anime, but Dalia says the ending is rushed and it sucked
The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra
33 MC Karina Leopold & fiance Head of Zentar, Duke Mirion Pestelio (black) Doctor Wynston (white, glasses, miracle of creation-finds anything through embroidery), Ml's friend Duke Perial Carlos (long white, healing powers by playing music) Dad Count Leopold (blond), Mom Countess Leopold (red), Older bro Enfrich (blond, 1st son), Peridon (blond, 3rd child), & Abelia (blonde, weak from birth). Family Doctor Viscount Nocturne (green, likes Abelia, Doc's apprentice) . The family fucking pisses me off. So what if Abelia is weak since birth? That doesn't mean you can completely neglect your fucking daughter [MC]. And just because her younger siblings are born, she suddenly has to fucking act all mature and you guys tell her to stop acting like a child, when SHE is a fucking child herself????!! And they always put off her fucking birthday and expect her to be fucking okay with it??? Okay, once or twice, I understand, but EVERY single time?? You can't fucking just have 1 parent stay with her?? Just cuz Abelia is sick, doesn't mean you can leave MC alone on her BIRTHDAY and her fucking engagement party. What. The. Fuck. And she goes missing for a month and the thing you worry about the most is your fucking reputation??? I fucking hate this bs where they fucking neglect the shit out of MC and then when they leave them, they start thinking "Did I even know my daughter/sibling" and start to miss them. Shut the fuck up before I sucker punch you. You neglected her. Period. You fucking miss her after she goes missing and you decide to try to turn things around??? Her life was RUINED because of you. She had to DRAW her own friends so she wouldn't feel fucking lonely. Her disease worsens when she draws, yet she kept drawing to drown out the fucking loneliness that YOU caused. UGHHHHHHH I HATE THEM!!!!!!
Resetting Lady
22 Caryn Haeir & Fiance Dulan Lloyd (black) Maid Donna (orange, 3/7), Butler Bowen (brown, glasses, 5) Head Maid Helen (brown, monocle, 11). Mc Dad Lord Haeir (light brown, 12). Dead mother Nora Catherine Hare (red, 21). Tutor Madame Deer (brown, 20) Og Ml Raymond Sayertes (blond, 8), his subordinate Zenon (grey, 10). BITCH Isabella Evans (blonde, 3), her father Verdic Evans (blond stache, 3) Mc Dead Maid Nancy (brown-blue, 1). Thugs Hanse (brown goatee, 9) and Thomas (orange pony, 9/15) *2- Mc returns to age 17 after a year has passed and repeats her life. Any attempt to change it results in death. On her 117th life, she decides to get revenge, because even if the ppl who hurt her don't remember it, SHE does. *4- she killed Nancy, but evidence & body completely disappeared??? What's happening?? *6- Isabella says Nancy throat was slit, despite mc choking her out. Who slit her throat??? *10- Mc was stabbed and Ray was smiling when Zenon was thinking "did he cause this". *11- Helen says Nancy resigned?? 12- Dad says Nancy went directly to him to resign, but we know mc killed her. What is going on???? *14- Ray sus of Mc bc she yelled his name in ch 9, despite not meeting before. *17- BREAKTHROUGH DISCOVERY!!!!!! Isabella gets calming tea from Ml, which she notices mc always drinks & he tells her it's to make mc calm & to mind her own business. Ml is looking at book for atonement, rips out the page for murder and says "you don't have to atone, you're innocent forever just like the first time". Also!!!! Butler reports to Ml on mc actions, right after mc has chopped up Thomas' body!!!! And!!! It's not a hallucination!!! They cleaned up the body, but not the hair mc hid for proof that it happened!!! *17- Mc says it's almost as if her father predicted she'd do this. *20- Mc Backstory. As a child, she had hallucinations and seizures. She trapped Ml in room with hounds, which is how he has his scars now, and vowed to kill her. Mc is psychopathic and whole mansion knows. Madam Deer asks "do you still think this world is a dream?". Wtf. *21- Nancy was hired and started feeding mc strange medicine which made her stop having seizures, but made her lose her memories and emotions. Scene where Nancy is telling young mc that this world is a dream and that her Knight will come soon.. maybe this whole thing hasn't been a novel??? WTF is happening?!?!????? *22- Bowen comes to clean up Deer's body and says he also cleaned up Nany's. Even if MC is crazy, a crazy person doesn't know they're crazy.
The Villain's Savior