Second Life on the Red Carpet
20 MC Baedith Eldrado & Ml Marquis Khalid Heben (black, Rose's cuz, owner of Levansch); BFF Princess Rosenne Moselberg (pink, also time-traveled). Dad Royal Knight Captain Count Eldrado (long red), Mom Countess Eldrado (brown), Older brothers Monster Subjugation Captain Leos (long red) & Valen (short red). Maid Amelie (short brown); Leos' Friend Monster Subjugation Vice-Captain Enoch (beige, purple, likes MC). Rose's OG Husband Prince Eventine (brown). Levansch Information Guild Master Joel (green), Ml's Assistant Serion Pabel (brown, yellow). Villain Magic Tower Sponsor Marquis Bunnette (black stache, mc suspect him as culprit that starts rebellion & ml suspects him for killing his fam)
Life Completely Ruined
34 [continued on Webtoon] MC Jinu Kim & Bully Jung Ancheol (black/bleached) Classmate Im Seulgi (fat, glasses), Disciplinary Captain Na Jinsol (mid black), Bully Park Dabin (black, likes alpha males so she likes MC and Ancheol LOL) Ancheol's crush Gym-goer Chae Yujin (brown, urologist), her Bf MMA Rookie Munseong Kim (brown, from Viral Hit aka How to Fight) ; Gym-goer Kaiser (tan, fat, glasses, beat Seulgi in past in anime con). Bully "Simpson" Sim Mingyu (buzzcut, eyebrow slit, mc beat him and made him a secret subordinate), Bully Gu Sangmin (black, 2 incident), Bong Gitae (brown buzzcut). Dabin's creepy stalker Wu Panseok (fat, tattoos, mc & Im beat him to stop talking to Dabin). . After being bullied severely by Jung Ancheol & his friends, Jinu Kim runs into him again when he takes up his job offer. Jinu runs off after Jung gave a half-assed apology and cursed him to feel his pain. Jung returns back to HS and hes in the body of Jinu, forced to be bullied by his past self and stop the 4 major incidents that MC went through. 1.) Friendship; Ancheol made MC and Seulgi fight each other and Seulgi let MC beat him and they made MC read Seulgi's secret weeb novel that was his pride. Seulgi became the target of all their bullying and dropped out. MC was branded as a bully and lost his only friend. 2.) Love; Na Jinsol befriends MC after finding him crying in a bathroom stall. At the field trip, mc and Jinsol get stuck in a photo booth & Sangmin gives him a "courage" yugioh card. Later, at school, Mc forgets to close the door and Sangmin beats him. Jinsol says she's gonna tell the teachers and Sangmin slaps her so hard that she loses her hearing in one ear and cannot qualify for her dream of becoming a police officer. MC becomes even more lonelier than ever. 3.) Family; Bong Gitae bullies MC at school and starts working at his parents' restaurant. He earns the parents' trust and runs their reputation. On the parents' anniversary, Giate invites his friends to smoke and drink and force MC to buy drinks and drink. They all end up in the station and just as Gitae was gonna expose that MC was the one who bought the beer cuz he's actually being bullied and not friends, the dad takes responsibility and says he sold them beer; he didn't want MC's pride to be ruined and kept the bullying a secret from the mom. The restaurant ends up getting permanently suspended, they lose the restaurant which was the Dad's dream, and the dad ends up working construction and gets injured and the family is left dirt-poor. 4.) Myself; Hangu gives MC his motorcycle keys to hold and Ancheol asks for them and gets the motorcycle all fucked up. Hangu and some others beat MC and Ancheol says to stop and pity him cuz his life is all fucked. MC decides to kill himself on Ancheol's rooftop, and Acheol catches him and beats him. The bullying becomes severely violent with no teasing and MC develops a stutter. The dad had enough and goes to the principal, where MC says just to transfer him. MC has PTSD and is too afraid of his classmates and drops out. He loses himself.
Mahoushoujo Madoka Magica
So glad it had a happy ending, I cried lol
In This Life, I Will Raise You Well, Your Majesty!