Seduce the Villain's Father
Lost where I was
Priscilla's Marriage Request
I don't know what chapter I'm in
A Stepmother's Märchen
68/44 MC Marchioness Shuli Neushwanstein & Ml Nora Nuremberg (darkskin). 《DEAD Husband Johaness (blond)》Children Jeremy (brown), Elias (red), & Twins Leon and Rachel (blonde). Jeremy's Fiance Ohara Heinrich (blonde, purple, ch 19). Knight Captain Alberon (short brown), Vice Captain Everette (wavy brown), Butler Robert (grey stache), Maid Gwen (short green). Nora's Dad Duke Albercht Nuremberg (darkskin, stache, empress' lil bro), his wife Duchess Heidi (blue). Imperial Empress Elisabeth Bon Baden Bismarck (red), her son 2nd Prince Reitlen (red, kid, sickly). Nobles Ohara's Dad Duke Heinrich (blond), Madam Byron (old, ch 25), & Schweig (darkskin, grey muttons). Savafid Royalty King Beyazid Pasha, Prince Ali Pasha, Princess Halime Pasha (darkskin, green, 36) Evil Cardinal Richelieu [Erwin Von Dreger] (brown, eyebags), his helper Wolff (short beige). Crown Prince Theobald Von Baden Bismarck (silver, shuli looks like his mom). Kids' Strict Aunt Lucretia Von Sebastian (brown, fat, 5-11) & her bros Valentino Von Neuschwanstein (brown) & Mueller (brown stache), Strict Etiquette Teacher Madam Roswell (light beige). MC's Manipulative Older Bro Lucas (red pony, 16-18) & her Mom Viscountess Egelhoff (red, ch 29) 《MC's Deceased Husband Johannes. Former Empress Ludovica (violet, looks like shuli, theo's mom), Kids' Dead Mom Alicia Reicher (short red)》 *ch 26- Elias threw a rock at Mc's head and she fell down and got a neck scar *32/33- The confession to mc *35- Nora's dad abuses him and favors Theo (his cousin) so Nora developed an inferior complex and his mom is depressed because she doesn't know how to talk to him anymore *41- Theo fell on Mc & Jeremy thought he attacked her so he attacked him and was arrested for attempted assassination *42/43- Shulli has concluded to find evidence that her marriage with Johannes was "lacking" so that she can get a divorce, thus making Jeremy the head and he can request a duel so that he won't have his hand cut off *43- Empress is pursuing for Jeremy's hand to be cut as a test to see if MC is truly fit to handle anything and be head of house
Positively Yours
Forgot where I was
Chitra Webtoon
148 Super good!!!! MC Chitra Serekino. Butler Radelk (long white), Tyrex (red hair magician), Tornian (blonde), Twin Elves Grey (darker) & Green (lighter hair), General Philbatan (darkskin, blue, 5), Nightmare Demon King Kyrus (black, horns, 6, /134). 《Idol group: Eloise (blonde, poet), Yuli (black hair)》. 1st Concubine Imperial Prince Enclive (grey, yellow, eyepatch, lived same life 4 times) Marchioness Muriel Arsene (short black, works for Tortan), Duke Vilton Tortan (grey, plotting against mc, 6 gr8 dukes, /142), Future Emperor 8th Prince Senedort (Mult Persn: Seti- sees truth, blue eyes; Net- hand, violent, red eyes; Dort- yellow, leg, teleport). Lady Esto (brown, green, 138, likes Tortan, Estin fiance) Summoned: Military Magician Orange Ice Tea (long orange, 36). Architect Bradicus (grey-white, glasses, 36). Soldier Lipton (tan, brown, 36). Summoner Polartin (purple, familiar tree Wriggly that shows what MC is thinking, 36) Black Magician of Pharmacy Chiroc (black, 3), Saint of God of Beauty Huras (mint, 3), Assassin Holbatine (mask, 3), Scientist Chroman (brown, glasses, 3). . Gods: God of Beauty Phobinus (rabbit), Goddess of Domination Admona (red, darkskin), God of War Hakatta (armor), God of Trickery and Manipulation Zora, God of Time Wuskur *137-Kyrus wants to marry mc *142- Mc setting Esto and Tortan together
Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku
Forgot where I was
The Blood Of Madam Giselle
47 Hot MC Giselle Nathan & Vampire Isaac (black). Former maid Anne Brenna (orange). Penelope Tuitte (red, has vamp gf, housing ml), her gf Olivia (straight black, yellow). Vampires Bluebell (black bangs, substituted as Anne when she was hung), Kay, Mac; Benefactor Leo (blond, helped pay for taking care of Isaac and demands mc pay him back) Abusive husband Carter (brown beard, glasses Roxy got him assassinated lol) & his mistress Roxy (beige, biiiitch), Snitch Maid Sophia (fat, black)
The Villain's Savior
Idk what chapter I left on tbh
The Evil Lady's Hero
[FINISHED- 87] [SIDE STORY STARTS AT 88- ML'S POV] MC Juniper Magnolia & ML Ishid Lucrenze (black), his falcon Raya, 'Heroine' Rael Carnia (white). Vice Captain Conrad (darkskin, brown), Wind Mage Michael (blond), MC Roommates Emma Olivet (short purple) & Rinnia Krator (darkskin, blue, wind) Heroine's cheating ex Prince Cassian (red). [DEAD, 84] Evil Emperor (red beard) *87- Mc and Ml married. *Ending feels kinda rushed, given that they only killed the evil emperor in 84 and got engaged in 86 and married 87. *s€x scenes tho
I Swear I Won’t Bother You Again!