I've Become A Crow
49 MC Reinelle & Ml Crown Prince Bolfrick Ebel de Karmeut (blond) Loyal Knight Windster Garlenos (brown, scar, 4), Og Ml Duke's Eldest Son & Magician Charmalt Namiel (long silver, 9), Maid Nadia (pink, 15). Emperor (beige mullet, 7, died 35), Youngest Princess Sapphire (beige, green, 35) Count Falun Wilhem (grey, 14- switched sides from 3rd prince to 1st), Imperial Magicians Head Mirdin (short grey, 28) & her human-crow Hampelle (black, 31), MC's Sworn Sword High-class Mage Mielel (blue, 41/45, former slave) Og MC Lady Gwynel Fon Adriana (beige, 47) 3rd Prince Luwellin (spiky brown), Magician Bupellos (long grey beard, 14/29). Guillaume de Nicolai (long brown, 41, was beating a slave) *8- Luwellin tried attacking Ml so MC attacked him *11-12- Mc ate crovan rock provided my Namiel and can turn human *17-19- Luwellin kidnapped MC by help of wizard from ch 9 *20- Ml announces Bozkurt, which is when Emperor's children who have awakened fight to the death to claim the throne *24- Other birds tell MC there's another Crow that ate the crovan rock *25- Ml almost kisses MC *26- Bozkurt begins. Luwellin cheats *29- Bupellos runs away. Luwellin tries attacking King but MC steps in. Ml wins. *30- Mirdin heals Ml with help of Namiel....wonder what happened.... *32- Mc gets spirit Mui *33- Luwellin's hair turns black due to demonic energy and Mirdin makes a necklace that makes him obedient to Ml *34- Mc and Ml meet with dying King cuz Ml wanted permission to introduce MC to everyone (in a romantic way) so no one would mess with her *35- Feelings are confirmed. King passes away and we meet Ml's lil sis who was hidden and raised by nanny after Empress and 2nd Prince died due to power struggle *46- Mielle swears loyalty to mc cuz he likes her *47- Mc and Mielle spirits meet- causes arms of the og novel clock to move
The Villainess, Cecilia Silvie, Doesn't Want to Die, So She Decided to Cross-dress!