The Broadcasting Fuck Room
4 1* - school, publicish, creampie 3 4*? - public, dom teased, then teasing sub, creampie
Sex Slave Delinquent Turned Public Toilet in the Dead of Winter!?
1 1 - public toilet, then vibrator w/ seem looking on via camera
Super Streaming! Turning My Stepmom into My Cumdump!
7 … 4* - public, kinda short, then full … 6*? - with ‘sister’, still messed up …
Tsukiyo no Midare Zake
Tonari no Ikemen-kun 2
Unfinished Business
57 3-4*? - (cont. from ch. 1) alpha drugged to become omega, lube 5-8* - first heat cycle 10-11*? - forced via pheromones, 3p, short 16-17 - forced in car parking lot, seen, full 18-19* - tests in lab, not full 21 - slight heat, not full, with beta not seme 25 - overdone, uke wakes to seme inside 28-29*? - ‘different than normal’, ‘gentle’ 31-32* - uke initiated, mostly, pheromones 33-34 - together, willing, ends in confession 35* - fight, pheromones to subdue 36-37 - rape, post-fight, with pheromones 41 - admits pheromones to staff 46-47 - pheromones from meeting, hiding in bathroom 49-50*? - uke’s idea, seme in rut 53-? - uke forced on video, to save seme’s life
MILF Hunter in Another World
17 … 10-11*? - guard, in room, creampie 13 - w/ lord’s wife again, in Raven’s room 16-17* - humiliation, slight exhibitionism, creampie … 55 - first slave engraving
Yurika to Kawakanai Shiitsu Midare Yuri