Okay so.. The 1st story goes like this :
There was a dog. A lonely abandoned stray dog
His parents was traveling around the world so he always alone. One day, the dog found a man that he immediately consider as his "owner" because the man was the first person to approach him. The dog always following him wherever his owner go. For some reason, the man can't leave the dog alone. Even when the dog will sometimes swayed by another hands that petting him. He would cry afterwards and apologize to his "owner". The owner forgave the dog of his naughty act because he's cute. One day, a woman who want to be with the dog come. The dog was easily swayed when the woman told that she love him. The dog was upset because his "owner" never said the words he want to hear the most. That shitty woman saying harsh things to his owner because the dog was unable to leave him. Because he loves his owner so much. The woman is a shit but pathetic. The owner doesn't want to see the dog anymore. The dog become desperate to see him. One day, the dog attacked his owner aggressively. The dog want to kill his owner so he will become his only. The owner's friend scold and hit the dog for hurting his friend and put some sense into him. The dog regretted his action. The owner treated in hospital and the dog come to him and never want leave from his side. That pathetic shittu woman who's trying to take the dog from it's owner was disappeared because the dog said, even though she beg and cries so much so the dog will choose her, the dog still choose his one and only owner. The dog cried in the hospital and apologize to the owner. Then they started living together as the dog come to his house and never leave him. The dog love his owner very much and he never see other people again. He follow and wait for his owner everyday from work. Eventually, the owner said that love the dog. The dog is very happy and cried...