Jazz for two
This Manhwa is seriously incredibly amazing the art is so beautiful and the story line is very nice it’s kinda sad but still it has a nice adorable ending and I’m very glad that my otp (taeyi x seheon ️) ended up together..happily.. this manhwa is one of my favs for sure now.
Back to School
I adore this series, period. Jihyun x chiwoo (rip my dear ship)
Don't forget that I like you
This art style is probably my favorite one so I actually adore this author and her/his art work and also this is so beautiful!!! (//∇//)
Heesu in Class 2
Amazing. Amazing.AMAZING. My otp is seung won x heesu ahh I really love them so much(´༎ຶོ^༎ຶོ`)
Bottomless Swamp (BookCube Version)
Hajin is so cute omg
Inso's Law Webtoon
Joo-in = yellow cute guy Ji-ho = Silver guy Ban Yeoryeong = heroine Dan-I = MC Choonyoung = blue guy Eunhyung = red guy Ruda = Blonde guy
Cherry Blossoms After Winter