When I started reading this manga I thought it was going to be really shallow, that the author wouldn't explain the background stories nor develop the relationships at all. But now that I've finished I can say that it's really not shallow. It's incredible how the author creates stories with real feelings and deep characters. For example, they are not just smiles and being lovey dovey , there's guilt and the need of attachment (Nakajou x Sado), there's pain, the conflict between forgetting and moving on and unrequited love (Akiha x Yahiko), there's introversion and finding happiness in and older age (Sekiya x Shibata) and there's the meeting by chance - or is it fate? - (Kameda x Ogikawa). Honestly, there's so much more like the issues of death (of a lover, which is a trope that she seems to like it a lot lol), the search for a meaning on life, on love... It's just really beautiful. And I love how everyone is connected (but that also gave me a hard time to understand/remember all the relations and also because they look alike) but that's just life. There's a lot of people around you and you have different relations with them. Ah, I wish I could understand the deeper meanings that this manga has (like what's with the religious stuff on it?) but oh well maybe I am just thinking too much about it lol. Anyway of course it has some flaws like I wanted to know more about the guy who died, you know understand his feelings better, why his father neglected them, why the accident happened and was sekiya really just and introvert or did he have a deeper story? But it's still really good.