Just 20cm Away From You
OK so this series is yet another very very very basic BL manga it follows the very harmful troops and stereotypes that exist back then and I can just look past it because you know I’m not really stressed over that stuff but it is still very shitty and I honestly only read the story because it was ironically very funny to me the other side couples were boarding and I just skimmed through them and yeah it sucks actually don’t like this at all I’m just I just read it because it was it was really funny I did however have something good to say about the seas and that is it has one of those really really rare and really really really good dynamics where is your board very similar and each other’s equal because usually in BL series It’s usually one where there’s this cool top and then there’s this cute bottom Or just wear the very poor opposite were really not the same and that’s good that’s actually really good as well but sometimes I want a serious way they’re both super super similar and where it just feels like that to friends zero and this is perfect for it they have the teasing just the casualness between friends and yeah that’s good that’s nice
Kaihatsu Muramura Mode
Toshishita Kareshi ni Hirowaremashita
I don’t know what to say about this one because it is not bad if you ask me there’s no actual floor that isn’t just personal taste but it also isn’t good and it isn’t good because nothing really happens to the relationship of the main characters it’s basically just this guy trying to move on from his ex and there’s this other guy who is there but doesn’t really serve a purpose? like do you want to kill me a point in the story in I don’t know it was just weird but yeah it’s OK it’s very fluffy very just slice of life-ish it’s not my taste the dynamic is boring it’s warning I don’t know what to say it’s boring Like honestly I wanted to stop reading this like two.. maybe even the first chapter in because it’s not my taste But I just kept reading because I just wanted to see it through because I didn’t want to add another manga to my dropped list and actually I’m kind of glad that I did that because there’s this one chapter I think it’s the last one or the second to the end and it has a jealous top scenario it’s OK it’s not like amazing though
Ikezu Kareshi no Otoshikata
tbh i could barely read it. i spent most of the time just skipping and skimming bc i couldnt stand the second hand embarrassment. the characters and their dynamic dont change in the end. i wish the seme was the flustered one for once there was brief implications of him being jealous but they were merely implications i might reread this in the future but for now its pretty meh ! ok