BJ alex
It was good, my only complaint is that I felt like DG and Ji never really learned to communicate. They ended still with Ji ignoring what DG wanted and playing toward this sex addict side, but if was played off as though it was fine. The side character Chanwoo stole my heart though. He is my little spicy cinnamon roll.
Glasses Cloth and Playlist
19 Days
Honestly started off so strong but the last 100 chapters have been a disaster. The author worked the story into a conflict beyond the main characters control, and also prohibited any development of the two main characters after a point where it was really crucial to see more development. The main characters switched to Mo and He Tian which honestly every scene with them followed the same damn formula and they barely developed either. I'm hoping the author finds some way to pull the story out of this really awkward road block because it was so good before.
Escape Journey