Amita4ever's manga / #The Searchers(2)

Rider on Fire

Complete | Sharon sala,Matsuri akino | 2019 released

I always wonder, when I read stories like this, how well the author/ artist has researched the culture they are representing and how accurate the dipiction is. In this case, because its an adaption, there are two chances to fail/succeed but sadly I don't know enough to guage which it is. This one, at least, is positive and honoring of its subject, unlike others that fail to do that out of simple apathy. As far as the story, I was disappointed by the diliberate BBV (Bed Before Vows), and thrown off a little by the cobra (that's not a North American snake, which would have fit better, but I suppose it IS a snake *shrug*), but the rest of the story was interesting. It had a bit of a superficial feel, but I take that to mean the novel was likely more complex so the artist had to leave a lot behind. Despite that, it was a cohesive, well paced story.

Amber By Night

Complete | sharon sala | 2008 released
2016-02-23 01:42 marked