Amita4ever's manga / #Mafia/ yakuza(4)

Haou Airen

Complete | shinjo mayu | 2002 released
2015-03-24 17:16 marked

50 chaps - I can'r decide if I liked it or not. The story had a proper build and plenty of time for the relationship to develop believably, but it had a premature end. The the kind of premature end of a rushed, canceled manga, but premature and disappointing none-the-less. But don't let that stop you from reading... it is still a good read.

Nobara no Hanayome

Complete | toyota yuu | 2008 released

Wild Ones

Complete | fujiwara kiyo | 2000 released
2015-06-27 15:43 marked

Merry Unbalance Christmas

Complete | Tomofuji Yu | 2000 released
2016-04-23 16:04 marked