Amita4ever's manga / #3.5 star(2)

Tycoon's Temptation

Complete | Trish morey,Yuki shiomiya | 2019 released
2021-08-09 21:23 marked

This is actually a pretty good story. Two people with painful backgrounds is a norm in this genre, and self-serving deception as a reason for starting the relationship is too, but they are handled differently here. It felt gentle and loving. What I found regretful was the author felt the need to include some gratuitus BBV (Bed Before Vows) action that really wasn't needed. It would have been a good, if not better, story without it, and RL statistics show that their marriage would likely be better too (statistically the marriages of those who wait are longer and more satisfying).

Shattered Mirror

Complete | Kate walker,Kazuko fujita | 2019 released

It was a real tragedy, and it was a story that dealt with serious emotions, but somehow it felt a little topical to me. Not saying it wasn't a good story! No Harlequin drama here. This story dealt with real stuff!