Torokeru Kami-kon
I can't believe the fact that the seme took the uke's key, went into his house, and got into bed while he was sleeping, when they barely even knew each other yet and EVERYONE JUST LOOKED OVER THAT PART?! Like wtf no I'd freak out that is not okay. A basic stranger breaks into your house and slips into your bed while you're sleeping is not okay. Also the seme is irritating to me because I can't stand the no boundaries, no common sense, kind of type. It's a manga, a fake character, but just thinking about if I had that type of person around me in real life, makes me uncomfortable. The smut was still sexy tho...
Fuck Buddy
Fushidara na Hanatsumi Otoko
Wooow. I really got into this one! It's been a long time since I've enjoyed one this much~ The progression was perfeeect, it's been so long since I've read a yaoi with a realistic progressionnnnn. I also love that they played around with the Seme's Physical features so much, constantly switching between his messy & unkempt self and his very nice looking clean self. Towards the end of the manga I just kept thinking "How is this both so smutty and so wholesome at the same time??" This had one of the only proposals that has successfully moved me (since I don't care for marriage and so on). This was good~ ALSO! I loved how realistic their reactions to difficult situations were! They actually think! Omg! So many dumb things go on in yaoi these days, I was so happy to read a yaoi with such an understanding uke. I would read this again, probably
From Points of Three
I wish Sunyool and Jisuh ended up together. It would've made this manga so much more interesting and different from other manga. I've always wanted to read a yaoi where they show someone in one relationship, and then show them moving on to a different one once it ended. Instead, when a past or future relationship is mentioned in yaoi/shounen ai it's just snippets. I felt like this manga was set up perfectly for that to happen but of course the typical route was taken. I'm not upset or disappointed, still really enjoyed it. Personally, It would've become a favorite of mine if it did that though. Some serious character development went down in this manga for more than one character so props to the author for that. Edit from the Future: (This wish ended up being fulfilled in a different way. Sunyool moved on from his sex friend Heejae, then moved on from his crush on Jisuh [well, not emotionally tho, poor baby], and is now with Haeyoung. I can't say the wish was EXACTLY fulfilled but it partially counts and makes me happy anyway) Edit: Sunyool's side story was so good. It's almost overrr, I'm so saaad. I really enjoyed his story. Especially the fact that he is in a SEKE relationship right now, I freaking squealed. Still kinda wish there was more to Sunyool and Jisuh's relationship, but oh well, it's the author's story. Sunyool ended up with someone else. Also: The main story and the side story, they are like completely different types of yaoi, it felt like I started a different manga but still had the same familiar characters. Very Refreshing and enjoyable. Edit: NOOOOO!!!! IT'S OVERRRRRR WHYYYYY. I actually really really enjoyed Sunyool's side couple storyyyy. I think, overall, I enjoyed this whole manhwa a lot. There were frustrating moments, but they were the good kind. You'd think Jisuh had the most twisted time but if you think about it, Sunyool had it really hard too. Heejae is still a tad bit creepy but he's good to Jisuh now so it's okay. I JUST WANT MORE OF SUNYOOL AND HAEYOUNG. THEY ARE OFFICIALLY MY FAVORITE SEKE COUPLE. IT'S SO HARD TO FIND REALLY GOOD SEKE COUPLES. I KINDA WANNA CRY NOW THAT IT'S OVER. THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY CAPABLE OF CONTINUING THOUGH SO WHY DID THEY JUST ABRUPTLY END IT LIKE THAT?! Okay, ranting aside, and bitter feelings about certain scenes and/or characters aside, I liked this a lot more than I did in the beginning. I'm gonna save this and probably reread it in the future. It's definitely a re-readable one. Final Edit: I'm sorry but Sunyool and Haeyoung need their own Manhwa, a long one, very long. That is all I have left to say. .
Room to Room
The story progression for this one was better than Window to Window was. It wasn't as predictable and kept me wondering what was really going to happen. I'm pretty satisfied with this one~ The smut was beyond wow too omg. Chamin must be one the most naturally cutest characters I have ever seen too. I didn't expect his character to be so sweet. I do have to say that the very beginning (chapter 1) was very confusing. The transitions could have been so much better. I thought the pages had been mixed up or something!! It went from their meeting to "wait but this is their past!", "now this is them in the further future!" "Oh but that's not where we are really starting the story!, here let's start wayyy before that happens!!".....sigh. That was the literal introduction to this story. No offense to the author because this story as a whole was good, but that beginning was kind of a mess. I take back the unpredictable part I guess, but well, I didn't have to predict it because they showed that he had sexsomnia in the future before they actually showed him starting to have sexsomina. It would've been better if it was as much of a shock for the audience as it was for the Dowan (the seme), I'm just saying. Otherwise, this was pretty good. Also, this author really has a thing for friends with benefits a.k.a Sex friends. Hehe, I see you. I bet the third manga that I have yet to read also includes this type of relationship hmm??
Bouai Friendship
I'm a sucker for this kind of seme... sighhh
Harukawakun To Yukisensei No Fudanshi Jijo.
It's lacking so much. This is one of those types of stories that you read on a whim without really caring about it at all. There is no build-up, actual tension, or deep plot. This is more suited to be a one-shot. However, not to be rude, but I have read oneshots better than this. Like they were so good that I dreaded the fact that they were only oneshots. I didn't finish this manga, didn't even get through the second chapter. I get that some people read yaoi only for the sex, but as a long time Fujoshi (very long time) I need an actual plot, story progression, character development, and so on for me to even start considering whether or not I really like what I'm reading. This is not a real story by an author, this is a straight-up porno with a kind of half-assed plot just to give it some context. (This is probably the roughest review I have ever given... I'm sorry for the brutal honesty mangaka-san(?)) If it wasn't for the decent art and the fact that it includes fudanshi, I would've given this a 1 star instead of 2
Yasashii Pantsu no Nugasekata