If You Hate Me So
Okay, but the sex scenes in the recent chapters are hella good. Except for chapter 53, I'm not down with that, at all.
Boku o Warui Ko ni Shite
This could've been thought out and portrayed a little better I think. It's the classic "starts out as rape but turns out reallyyy good" relationship. I love their relationship in the end. The fact that they're each others' safe place is just really touching. Their love for each other is the kind that makes you feel good too. There was a few parts story-wise that could've been written better. Details and more unique touches would also help this manga stand out more. This had the making of a favorite manga for me. If it had more of the things I mentioned, it would be. I'll give it 4 stars for all the things that I did like.
Chibi Demo Ii yo.