AliceInYaoiLand's manga / #Horror(30)

Feeding lamb

Complete | Nishin Masumi | 2000 released

This is the most gorey manga I've ever read just straight up psychopathic murdering and raping.


Ongoing | Ktoon | 2019 released
2022-02-25 20:19 marked

Apparently is fucked up & I'll read it lol

Sensei, Kowai Hanashi Shimasenka?

Complete | Kirima Moccori | 2000 released
2022-04-08 09:31 marked

It was meh at first but got better as it went on. It was confusing at times. I'm not sure if it's just due to sleep deprivation but I still don't understand some of wtf was going on lol. So, is he the god but lost his memories? Or is a descendent of that god? Is he half god & half human? Fr so much is still left jumbled and confused. So, also, magaki is a god as well? Or a human/god hybrid?? There are so many things not fully explained! There is more that I don't like about this compared to what I do, which was only the fact that it's partially horror but in a yaoi. Otherwise, meh. I hope I'll find a better supernatural horror yaoi


Ongoing | YOSHIMURA Kana | 2000 released
2022-06-01 11:54 marked
Tags: Yuri Horror

Ghost Gate

Ongoing | MEL | 2000 released
2022-07-25 02:24 marked
Tags: Yaoi Horror

Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu

Ongoing | mokumoku ren | 2019 released
2023-04-26 23:53 marked

Dead man Switch

Ongoing | Coinmint , Eise | 2019 released
2023-04-26 23:55 marked

A City Called Nowhere

Ongoing | Reon Merryweatherey,Rayno | 2000 released
2023-05-19 04:46 marked

Radio Storm

Complete | Lee Seon-ui | 2019 released
2023-05-20 17:30 marked

Save me, Roommate!

Ongoing | Gokoa | 2000 released
2023-05-21 04:07 marked