Kore Wa Kitto Yume No Naka No Kiss
️[⌔]-️-[⚣]⏭5 ️2•• ️2016 25feb2018 29oct2020 ️️ —4️ ️ ️1⏭1-1/2 of 5 Minato has a habit of dating guys who are pretty abusive and the one he's seeing now is no exemption. One day he took notice on a certain customer who keeps gazing on a sculpture outside the cafe. Turns out that he is the very artist responsible for that creation. ️2⏭1st 1/2 of 5 A male prostitute gets offered a month long job as the client states he only has a month left to live ️Lists & Tags+️ ️—️4.1️—️—️ 10’s ️—️—️️⏭5-9—️—8.0-8.9—️ ️ ️-️- ️ ️[⌔]-️-[⚣]⏭5 ️2•• ️ 2016 ️ 4 ️ October 2020 ️ ️️ ⚣|[⚣]|️|️|️|️|亞-ꐀ↯|亞-ⴴ↯|⾍-꛷仚²⁺|☥|㐨-呂| ️️⚜️ℬℒ|⻀|ꃳ|‽⸘| ️️[⚣]— ️List Review️ [⌔]--[⚣]⏭5 2•• 2016 25feb18 29oct20 —4 ️ 1⏭1-½ of 5 M㏌ato has a habit of dat㏌g guys who R abusⅳe & who he's see㏌g now is № exemption. 1day he t⚮k notice of a customer gaz㏌g at his fave sculpture ouʦide & lear㎱ that he is the very artist who created it 2⏭1st ½ of 5 Male prostitute is offered a month-long job as the client states he has only a month leſt 2 lⅳe ||亞-ꐀ↯|亞-ⴴ↯|⾍-꛷仚²⁺|☥|㐨-呂 ⚜=|⻀|ꃳ|‽⸘
Koi wa Nanairo Shichihenge!?
️[‽⸘]-️-[⚣]⏭5 ️1 ️2016 10oct2017 2019 ️️ —4️ ️The first girl that Reio falls in love with at a cosplay festival turns out the be an older guy, Haruto! He was shocked at first, but he slowly begins to fall for him. ️Lists & Tags+️ ️—️4.1️—️—️ 10’s ️—️—️️⏭5-9—️—8.0-8.9—️ ️ ️-️- ️ ️[‽⸘]-️-[⚣]⏭5 ️1• ️ 2016 ️ 4 ️ 2019 ️️|⚣|[⚣]|️|️| ️️⚜️ℬℒ =|‽⸘| ️️[⚣]—
Kore ga Koi!
️️️³[❥﹫Ꙭ]-️-[⚣]⏭5⁽⁺¹ˢˡ⁾ ️4•ˢ•• ️2016 10feb2019 7nov2020 —5️ ️Contains title story, plus 3 OneShots: ️1•⏭1-3|Kore ga Koi / This is Love—College student Hiroki Tahara loses a game mahjong & has to walk to the konbini (convenience store) in drag. On his way there he gets accosted by a drunk, but scary-faced teacher Mr. Kuga saves him! Mr. Kuga looks grumpy, but he's actually nice. Hiroki's then finds himself wanting run into Mr Kuga more & more ⚣❣️|️|☸️|️|️|️|❥﹫Ꙭ| BLRomance—GenderBender—Comedy—SchoolLife—Medical/Injury—SliceOfLife—Teacher—Student—College—PenaltyGame—Crossdress—Drag—AgeGap—GapMoe—ScaryFace—Love@1stSight—1stLove—Mahjong ️2ˢ ️⏭ˢ|“Twinkle”—(ˢ⁼SeperateLocation)< http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/twinkle/>—2 classmates joke around about their close relationship, joking at school as though they are in love. But then one decides to truely confess his love for the other without the joking tone they have used at school. A tale of puppy love between 2 flamboyant high schoolers ⚣❣️|️| BLRomance—SchoolLife—Classmates—Jokers—Pretend/JokeRelationship—HighSchool—Outgoing—Confession ️3•️⏭4|Dolce—Handsome & innocent Fuga, was unaware that men can have sex. Then he learns from a friend that him & his boyfriend, Nanaya, can actually do more than simply jerking each other off. He begins to “study” in order to prepare, then learns his short & cute lover wants to top ⚣❣️|️|☸️| BLRomance—SchoollLife—Comedy—EstablishedRelationship—StudentCouncil—OpenlyGay—OpenlyFlirting—Innocent— ️4•️⏭5|...Always—College student Umi is reunited with his childhood friend, Akio, whom others tend to find a little creepy, & learns that he’s now attending the same college, has been living next door for the past 3mths without telling him & has been harboring a secret crush on him all this time. Akio, thinking he would never be able to be with Umi, asks that Umi allow him to have his “1st time” ⚣❣️|☸️|️| ⚜️|窔㐨|₮❥| BLRomance—Comedy—SchoolLife—ChildhoodFriends—UnrequitedLove—Neighbors—Reencounter—Confession—College— ️2️CFU ³[❥﹫Ꙭ]--[⚣]⏭5 4•ˢ•• 2016 10feb19 7nov20—5 1•⏭1-3|4 penalty game, CoⅡege student Hiroki must go2 kob㏌i ㏌ drag & geʦ a㏄osted by a drտk. Teacher Mr. Kuga saves him & Hiroki's starʦ want㏌g rտ ㏌2 Kuga more 2ˢ=Seperate|Tw㏌kle— http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/twinkle/ 3•⏭4|Fuga, տaware men can have sex, lear㎱ him & boyfriend, Nanaya, can do more 4•⏭5|CoⅡege student Umi reտited w/childh⚮d friend Akю, who confesses & certa㏌ 2 B rejected, asks Umi gⅳe him his “1st time” ⚣❣️|️|☸️|️|️|️ ⚜️|窔㐨|₮❥
Shuraba Maker
️-️-⏭6 ️2016 3dec2017 ️Shina Ayumu is part of what other college students call the flashy group. However, where everyone thinks of him as bright, cheerful & always smiling, he is hiding a secret that only his high school classmate, Hayase Souta is aware of. Since their first year of high school, somehow Hayase has always ended up meeting Shina after a break up. So now Hayase sees Shina only as a big crybaby! C-M|️|⚣❣️|️|
Dolphin Fairy
⏯[త]-️-[⚣] ️1ⵗ ️2016 —️5 ️Mokhwa, an unemployed, young man who wants to commit suicide, but he instead finds himself signing up for swimming lessons. He eventually begins falling for his swim teacher, a beautiful man with a great body. But the closer he gets, he can't help but feel there's something a little strange... ️2️CFU ️|☪️|២+త
Gachiiki Chouhatsu Night